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SUR-003 Record of Survey Submittal Requirements Checklist

Permit and Resource Management Department Banner 750


To provide general guidelines/minimum requirements for Record of Survey.

Version: 06/01/2022


Email submittal package to:

  1. Supporting Data (e.g. Deeds, Maps, Unrecorded surveys, etc.)
  2. Method and Reasoning Statement
  3. Calculations

Map Data

  1. Basis of Bearings: between two found monuments of record or California Coordinate System
  2. Ties to all found monuments
  3. All bearings and overall bearings shown
  4. All distances and overall distances shown
  5. Show adjoiners with Name, Assessor Parcel Number, and Official Record Document Number
  6. North arrow. (North arrow shall be oriented to the top of the page)
  7. Scale (written and graphic). Scale shall be as shown on an Engineering Scale.
  8. Location map (required)
  9. One inch blank margin around the sheet edges
  10. Key map (if more than two map sheets)
  11. Legend with symbols
  12. Technical Requirements per Professional Land Surveyors’ Act §8764
  13. Abbreviations defined
  14. Note: All distances shown are in feet and decimals thereof
  15. Note: All ties shown hereon are perpendicular unless shown otherwise (when applicable)

Map Title

  1. Title block in lower right corner if possible
  2. Owner's name and legal designation of the property as recorded
  3. Description of what is being surveyed
  4. Name of City, County of Sonoma, State of California
  5. Location: Rancho  or Township/Range and Section, or City
  6. Sheet number and number of sheets
  7. Assessor's Parcel Number in lower right corner
  8. Date of survey


  1. Surveyor's Statement and Seal
  2. County Surveyor's Statement
  3. County Recorder's Statement