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For Immediate Release
Sonoma County Local Coastal Plan approved
SANTA ROSA, CA | November 18, 2024
The California Coastal Commission has certified Sonoma County’s Local Coastal Plan, a foundational planning document that regulates land use and protects resources along the 55-mile shoreline. The unanimous approval on November 14 ensures the County’s permitting authority for development within the Coastal Zone, which extends from between a half mile and five miles from the coast in Sonoma County.
“With the Coastal Commission’s approval of the Local Coastal Plan, we have enhanced environmental protections for the Sonoma County coast, safeguarding its unique ecosystems, ensuring public access and promoting sustainable practices,” said Supervisor Lynda Hopkins, who represents west Sonoma County and the coast. “The Sonoma County coast is not just a scenic treasure but a series of irreplaceable ecosystems that we’ve committed to safeguarding through the Local Coastal Plan.”
The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors adopted the Local Coastal Plan in July 2023, sending it to the Coastal Commission for certification. Permit Sonoma began work to update the plan in 2013.
The Local Coastal Plan addresses changing conditions on the coast that have developed over the past several decades, including the need for:
- Adapting to climate change, including sea-level rise
- Safeguarding public access
- Protecting water resources
- Conserving coastal ecosystems
- Preserving agriculture
- Mitigating hazards and wildfire resiliency
The Local Coastal Plan update addresses these areas while making the plan more modern and easier to understand and use. The Planning Commission recommended the draft plan after an 11-month process that involved nine public meetings and 35 hours of deliberation and public input.
With California Coastal Commission certification, Permit Sonoma will now begin implementation of the Local Coastal Plan by amending the Coastal Zoning Ordinance and Coastal Administrative Manual to carry out the new Local Coastal Plan policies. The implementation process will provide additional opportunities for public input.
To read the updated Local Coastal Plan, click here.
Contact Information:
Matt Brown, Communications Specialist
575 Administration Drive, Suite 104A
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
(707) 565-3040