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9-4-5 Stock Plan Procedure

Permit Sonoma

Version: 01/06/2025


This policy outlines the process for reviewing and approving stock plan (STK) applications, as well as the procedures to apply for and issue building permits for structures designed with an approved stock plan.


This policy is applicable to permit applications for the plan check of stock plans and applications for building permits utilizing these pre-reviewed designs. The permits will be processed in the following manner where no plan changes or significant code revisions have occurred from the time of the STK approval to the time of application of the site-specific building permit (BLD) application.


California Building Code, Chapter 1


  1. Stock Plan Pre-review Application
    1. The plan check of a stock plan and pre-review for swimming pools, water tanks, dwelling units (including accessory dwelling units (ADUs)), and other structures will be performed through an STK application which is submitted through the online submittal portal.
    2. An STK application package shall consist of a complete plan set, including a cover sheet and all relevant plan sheets, notes, details, elevations, and specifications required to adequately demonstrate code compliance. The application will also include all relevant supporting documents, including (when applicable) justifying calculations, California Energy Code compliance documentation, a completed CALGreen mandatory measures checklist, and a Statement of Special Inspections.
    3. Upon acceptance of a complete STK application by a Permit Technician, building plan check fees will be assessed and invoiced for payment prior to the application being routed for review. The review fees will be in accordance with the currently adopted fee schedule for the valuation of the structure being reviewed under the STK application.
    4. The STK application will be reviewed by a Building Plans Examiner for compliance with the codes and design criteria chosen to be applicable to the STK application.
    5. Upon approval of the STK application, the Building Plans Examiner shall document in the Conditions of Approval and “Detailed Description” the limiting factors of usage of the STK plan set. These shall include (as appliable) the seismic design factors (SDS, SD1), wind design values (wind speed, exposure, topographic wind speed-up effects), design soil type(s) and any geotechnical hazards mitigated, climate zone, minimum distances to property lines or other structures, fire hazard severity zones, flood design criteria, snow loads, and any other limiting factors of usage.
    6. The plan check approval of an STK application is valid for the entirety of the code cycle applicable to the application. If code amendments or addendums occur that substantially affect previously approved elements of a STK plan set during the code cycle, the STK cannot be used for building permits until a revision has been submitted, reviewed, and approved for the STK application. Fees for the review and approval of any STK revision shall be the same project revision review and additional building plan check fees applicable to a building permit application.
  2. Building Permit Application Utilizing Stock Plan Procedure
    1. A site-specific structure that is proposed to be constructed from a pre-reviewed STK application shall be submitted for review under a Building Permit (BLD) application.
      1. The building permit application name and detailed description should indicate the stock plan number and the appropriate description of the scope of work, including the square footage and use of the proposed structure. For pools and water tanks constructed from a STK application, an itemized valuation of the scope of work shall be included.
      2. Any ancillary construction, including retaining walls, generators, pool equipment, decks and porches, utilities, photovoltaic systems, etc... not included in the approval of the STK application shall be clearly identified and delineated in the proposed scope of work and project plans and details.
        1. Additional work included in the BLD application shall have the valuation of these site-built components included in the calculation of the plan check fees prior to review and the permit inspection fees that will be invoiced after plan check approval.
    2. Prior to acceptance, the project specific BLD application shall consist of a complete plan set, including pre-reviewed STK plans and details, a site-specific cover sheet and site plan. For swimming pool applications, site specific plans and supporting documents shall identify all proposed equipment locations and specifications, site specific swimming pool safety measures proposed, electrical installations and bonding, and identify all other non-STK approved elements proposed.  A complete BLD application package will also include (as applicable) the pre-reviewed calculations from the STK application, site specific California Energy Code analysis, a completed and verified CALGreen mandatory measures checklist, and a Statement of Special Inspection, as applicable to the proposed project type. If a geotechnical report has been previously performed on the parcel, the applicant   shall upload this report to the application’s documents, or the historical document shall be uploaded from prior permit records.  An updated report or review letter verifying the design adheres to applicable recommendations are also usually required per the conditions included in a typical geotechnical report.
    3. Once a complete BLD application package has been accepted by a Permit Technician, all applicable divisions of Permit Sonoma required to review and approve the application shall have their review task activated for routing after initial fee payment has occurred. The initial fees for routing and review shall consist of a Site Review fee, two hours of Building Plan Check review fees , per the fee schedule at the time of application, and review fees applicable for all non-building divisions, assessed at the rate applicable to a standard BLD application of the scope proposed.
    4. A building site review will be performed for all BLD applications constructed from a STK application. The Site Reviewer shall determine if there are any unmitigated geotechnical hazards in the area of new construction, the flood design elevations and criteria (if applicable), and that the proposed foundation design of the STK application is suitable for the BLD application. If unmitigated geotechnical hazards may be present onsite, a geotechnical investigation and report and plan review letter shall be provided prior to the completion of the Site Review task. The geotechnical plan review letter shall identify that the foundation design included in the pre-reviewed STK application is suitable for the proposed site-specific construction. The Site Reviewer will also provide relevant project specific notes to the Building Plans Examiner regarding adjacent structures, flood design criteria and elevations, and other parcel specific information to aid in the review. If the proposed STK design is found not suitable for the project-specific conditions at this point, the application will be denied, and the applicant may request a refund of the Building Plan Check fees paid previously.
    5. The building plan check review will be conducted with a review date goal of six weeks from the date of plan check fee payment, or completion of the site review process if the application was identified to be incomplete during the site review process. The building plans examiner shall review all limitations of use of the STK application in relation to the project specific design. If all limitations of use, including all relevant structural criteria and other items identified in item A.i. have been adhered to in the BLD application, the plans examiner will approve the application. If there are location specific design criteria outside of the limitations, the plans examiner will deny the BLD application. If there are any items missing for approval, the plans examiner will identify these items and enter a Plan Check Comments Sent entry to allow resubmittal of any missing sheets, details, information, or supporting documents.
    6. All affected divisions shall review the project and either approve the application for issuance or provide applicable issues to be addressed through the digital plan room. These issues will be provided to the applicant via an email link. Once all divisions have reviewed, approved, or provided issues to be addressed on an application, the applicant is able to resubmit. 
    7. Once all divisions have reviewed and approved the application, the plans and supporting documents shall be stamped as “reviewed for code compliance”, and the project status will be “Plan Check Approved”.
    8. Upon approval, a Permit Technician shall invoice all applicable fees for permit issuance. The associated building permit fees shall be based on the total valuation of the proposed structure to be constructed in accordance with the fee schedule at the time of application. Applicable development fees, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing fees, and other inspection fees from secondary review disciplines shall also be assessed, invoiced, and paid prior to permit issuance. The Permit Technician shall also communicate and coordinate any school fees requiring payment and receipt for the proposed scope of work, as applicable.
    9. Once all fees have been paid, the BLD permit will be in the “Issued” status, and the applicant will call for relevant inspections accordingly.
    10. All revisions proposed shall be prepared by the licensed design professional in responsible charge of the design, and be applied for and reviewed through the standard building permit revision process.
    11. Construction shall be commenced, and a relevant inspection shall occur, within one year from the date of issuance, or the issued permit shall expire. Issued permits shall not be dormant at any time for more than a year without being subject to expiration also. Building permit expirations and renewals shall be in accordance with the current policy on permit expirations and renewals.


Stock Plan Pre-review Application Fees

  1. STK applications are assessed applicable Plan Check fees (fee item 0060-005) based on the square footage and assessed valuation of the Stock Plan design.
  2. Revisions to STK applications are assessed the Project Revision Review fee (fee item 0150) and the Additional Plan Check fee (fee item 0062) if the revision review time exceeds two hours.

Fees for Building Permit Applications Using Stock Plans

  1. BLD applications constructed from a pre-reviewed STK application shall be assessed a minimum of (2) hours of Additional Plan Check fees (fee item 0062).
  2. BLD applications with additional elements proposed that are not pre-reviewed through the STK application shall have additional Plan Check fees (fee item 0060-005) based on the valuation of the site-specific work proposed.
  3. A Site Review fee (fee 0100) shall be assessed for all BLD applications submitted to be constructed from a pre-reviewed STK design.
  4. The CALGreen Residential Plan Review fee (0080) shall be assessed for all BLD applications for conditioned structures constructed from a STK design.
  5. Other divisional review fees, inspection fees, and development fees for a BLD application constructed from a pre-reviewed STK application shall be the same as any other standard BLD application not constructed from a STK application.

View Building Fees

Approved By

Approved By: Tennis Wick
Reviewed By Department Deputy Director: Nathan Quarles, Deputy Director
Reviewed By Department Manager: Brad Cannon, Building Division Manager
Reviewed By County Counsel:
Lead Author: Bryan Waters, Plan Check Division Supervisor