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4-0-2 Building Site Evaluation
Version: 02/07/2024
The purpose of this policy is to identify the Building Plan Check Site Review procedure and document the intended functionality of this service.
A virtual site review is conducted for:
All building permit applications with new or altered foundation elements that are proposed to be submitted without a project specific geotechnical report uploaded or without the project site plan prepared by a California licensed design professional (i.e. architect, engineer, or land surveyor).
A site review is also conducted for:
- All proposed projects in a mapped flood zone, regardless of whether if the project proposes new foundation elements.
- Development of structures within the Geologic Hazard Combining Zone, otherwise known as the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone.
The Building Plan Check staff member performing the site review (i.e. the Site Reviewer) shall review the parcel permit history, investigate mapped geotechnical characteristics in the proposed area of construction, identify if the project is within the Geologic Hazard Combining Zone, and identify project specific flood elevations and flow velocities as applicable. Plan Check staff will perform a preliminarily review of the plans and supporting documents for general completeness to ensure a complete review can be conducted during the Building Plan Check process.
The review of soil, slope stability, earthquake fault zones, and topographic features in the area of development, and the review of the parcel and permit history will determine if adequate and suitable information regarding potential geotechnical hazards is available to waive a project specific geotechnical investigation. The default requirement of the California Building Code in all seismic design categories within Sonoma County requires submittal of a geotechnical report. This report may only be waived when satisfactory data is available which indicate a lack of geotechnical hazards, justifying that a report is not necessary.
The Site Reviewer shall make appropriate notes for the Building Plans Examiner regarding items identified which are necessary to perform a complete and accurate Building Plan Check. These notes may include the following:
- relevant information regarding the base flood elevation and flood boundaries,
- flood velocities,
- wind exposure criteria,
- seismic design categories,
- accuracy of topographic information in the construction plans,
- accuracy of the site plan with regards to locations and setbacks to other adjacent structures and property lines,
- accuracy of the identified occupancy group classification(s),
- notes regarding exterior accessible routes of travel,
- notes regarding exterior egress elements and continuity, and
- any other pertinent information identified in this preliminary review.
- CSS-019 Minimum Standard Site Plan
- Technical Bulletin B-28 When is a Geotechnical Report Required?
- BPC-070 Geotechnical Report Waiver Request
(Email Building Plan Check for document: PermitSonoma-PlanCheck@sonoma-county.org)
- Building Permit applications which do not require a site evaluation (i.e. either no ground disturbance, Site Review done within one year at the same location, Site Review already complete or the site plan is prepared by a design professional and a geotechnical report is included, and project not located in a mapped flood zone) will be routed directly to the Building Plan Check Division for Building Plan Check assignment and review after initial submittal acceptance by the Permit Technician and the applicable Building Plan Check fees have been paid. The applicable project status after fee payment will be “Ready for Plan Check”, and the project will typically be assigned with a Building Plan Check review date goal of 6 weeks from the date of fee payment.
- Building Permit applications requiring a site review are assigned an applicable project status of “To Site Review” after applicable Building Plan Check and site review fees have been paid. These applications are assigned to Building Plan Check staff accordingly, and site reviews are conducted typically within 1 week from the date of payment.
- When the Site Reviewer completes the site review and determines that a geotechnical report can be waived and the application is complete for review, the Site Reviewer will complete the associated site review workflow and upload appropriate internal notes to the documents section of the Building Permit application. The application will be placed in a “Ready for Plan Check” status and assigned for review at this time. The review date will correspond to the date of plan check fee payment, as outlined in item A.
- When the Site Reviewer performs the site review and determines that a geotechnical report cannot be waived or the application is otherwise incomplete, they will document appropriate issues to be addressed and these will be sent to the applicant through the Digital Plan Room software. The application will be placed in a “Awaiting Applicant Response” status and further routing for Building Plan Check review will be halted, pending adequate document uploads and responses addressing the geotechnical report requirement or other identified plan or supporting document deficiencies. Other review disciplines may continue their review cycles while awaiting submission of the required geotechnical report or other items identified as required for a complete Building Plan Check review package.
- If a geotechnical cannot be waived due to the information available and considered during the Site Review process, the design professional in responsible charge may provide an alternative method of justification and documentation of the lack of geotechnical hazards by completing a Soils Report Waiver Request.
- Once a complete application package is provided, the site review task will be completed. The project will be placed in a “Ready for Plan Check” status and will be assigned for Building Plan Check review based on the date which a complete application package was provided.
Approved By
Approved By: Tennis Wick, Director
Reviewed By: Department Manager: Brad Cannon, Building Division Manager
Reviewed By: County Counsel (Contact Building Plan Check for County Counsel information.)
Lead Author: Bryan Waters, Senior Engineer