Press Release Index
Board of Supervisors approves comprehensive vacation rental ordinance update
The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors approved updates to the Vacation Rental Ordinance today, including a prohibition on new vacation rentals in R1-zoned (low-density residential) areas, allowing for caps to be placed on vacation rentals in areas of concentration and establishing restrictions on corporate ownership of vacation rentals in Sonoma County. Existing vacation rentals will not be affected by the ownership or zoning changes voted on today. Read full story
Board of Supervisors to consider comprehensive vacation rental ordinance update on August 2
The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors will consider updates to the Vacation Rental Ordinance at its August 2 meeting. The proposed changes create a new vacation rental license permit program, performance standards, enforcement strategies, and permanent caps on vacation rentals in areas disproportionately impacted by vacation rental businesses. Read full story
Permit Sonoma announces revision to draft well permit ordinance
Permit Sonoma today announced a revision to a proposal the Board of Supervisors will consider on Tuesday, August 9 that seeks to enact new standards for drilling wells in Sonoma County. Under the change, domestic wells that extract less than two acre-feet of water annually would not be required to install meters. Read full story
New grant provides impetus for habitat conservation planning in Sonoma County
The Board of Supervisors has bolstered habitat conservation planning efforts in Sonoma County by agreeing to put up matching funds to support receipt of a $755,000 U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife Service grant in collaboration with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Read full story
Sonoma County proposes rule changes for well permits to protect health of local waterways
In response to evolving California case law that requires local governments to protect the health of rivers and other “public trust resources,” the Board of Supervisors on August 9 will consider new standards for permit applications to drill wells in Sonoma County. The meeting will include a Public Hearing on the proposed amendment to the county’s well ordinance. Read full story
Permit Sonoma announces housing plan Environmental Report Scoping Workshop
Permit Sonoma will host a virtual Housing Element Environmental Scoping Workshop on June 28 to solicit feedback on the scope of the proposed environmental review for the County of Sonoma’s new housing plan. Read full story
Permit Sonoma announces fee increases for building and other permits
Permit Sonoma announced today it will be raising permit and other service fees by approximately 9 percent starting July 1, 2022. Permit Sonoma has not raised fees since 2019, and the new fees were determined by an outside consultant. Fees are Permit Sonoma’s primary source of revenue. All complete applications received before July 1 will still be considered under the current fee structure. Read full story
Permit Sonoma Fire Prevention announces open burning suspension for unincorporated Sonoma County
Permit Sonoma Fire Prevention Division announced today a ban on the burning of residential landscape debris in unincorporated Sonoma County. The ban aligns with a burn suspension announced by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire), which began on June 13 for all outdoor burning in state responsibility areas of Sonoma, Lake, Napa, Solano, Yolo and Colusa counties. Read full story
Permit Sonoma to hold meeting seeking public comment on Springs Specific Plan draft environmental report
Permit Sonoma, Sonoma County’s planning agency, announced that it will seek public comments on a draft Environmental Impact Report for the Springs Specific Plan at a virtual public hearing Thursday, June 16 at 1 PM Read full story
Permit Sonoma seeking public comment on Springs Specific Plan draft environmental report
Permit Sonoma, Sonoma County’s planning agency, is seeking public comments on a draft Environmental Impact Report for the Springs Specific Plan through July 19. Read full story