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The 1900 U.S. Census for Mendocino Township lists Jasper McCracken as a farmer born in Missouri in 1833, married to Mary McCracken, born in 1850, also a native of Missouri. Their two daughters, Effie and Edna, born in 1877 and 1885 respectively, lived with them.

According to his obituary, Albert Perry Litton was born in Lineville, MO and died in Healdsburg  at age 81 in 1944, having lived there all but eight years of his life. He ranched in Dry Creek Valley before moving to the West Side and lived with his son Cecil Litton for several years before his death. The 1900 U.S. Census says Albert and Nellie W. Litton married in 1886. Nellie, a California native, was born in 1871.

Cecil Litton was born 17 April 1891 and died in Sonoma 10 September 1980. Cecil Litton and Luella Litton lived in Whittier (Los Angeles County), where he was listed in the city directory as an electrician. The 1930 U.S. Census record show Cecil Litton worked in the oil fields and Luella Litton had no employment outside the home. Luella Litton was an Iowa native whose parents were also Iowa natives; she and Cecil had married within a year of the census survey. Cecil Litton served in the U.S. Army from 5 June 1917 to 21 December 1918.77 His 1942 draft registration card lists his employment as a ranch in Healdsburg.