Septic Permitting Process Update
Vesting Certificates requests may now be made directly with assigned Well and Septic staff during the plan review process under an OWTS Construction Application. Customers will no longer be required to submit separate Vesting Certificate applications. Customer requests to convert unexpired Vesting Certificates to an OWTS Construction Permit should be submitted to Customers will no longer be required to submit separate OWTS Construction Applications to convert a Vesting Certificate to an OWTS Construction Permit.
Latests News
Septic Permitting Process Update
Vesting Certificates requests may now be made directly with assigned Well and Septic staff during the plan review process under an OWTS Construction Application. Customers will no longer be required to submit separate Vesting Certificate applications. Customer requests to convert unexpired Vesting Certificates to an OWTS Construction Permit should be submitted to Customers will no longer be required to submit separate OWTS Construction Applications to convert a Vesting Certificate to an OWTS Construction Permit.
Elementos de Seguridad y Justicia Medioambiental del Plan General del Condado de Sonoma | 23 de julio sobre los
El Condado actualiza los Elementos de Seguridad y Justicia Medioambiental del Plan General del Condado de Sonoma 2020, y desarrolla un nuevo elemento de justicia ambiental para cumplir con la ley estatal, modernizar las políticas de seguridad y mejorar la salud en las áreas con cargas medioambientales y escasos recursos.
Cannabis Program Update & Environmental Impact Report
Permit Sonoma has released a final draft Cannabis Land Use Ordinance, General Plan Amendment, and other documents. Revisions were made to certain documents published on April 2, 2024 in response to public input received during the public comment period. Comments may continue to be submitted at any time throughout this process, both before and after publication of the Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR).
2024 Season - Wet Weather Groundwater Determinations & Percolation Testing: Closed for the Season
Groundwater determinations and percolation testing are necessary for onsite wastewater treatment systems (OWTS). Groundwater determinations and percolation testing have closed for the season in all testing areas.
Updates to the Groundwater Determinations Policy
The Groundwater Determinations Policy has been updated. The changes reflect clarifying language and updates regarding the radius distance surrounding a groundwater test hole, the number of test holes required for a proposed septic system and depths of test holes based on site conditions such as impermeable layers.
End of Extended COVID Permit Expiration Date
In order to support the difficulties the COVID-19 pandemic brought to the community, Permit Sonoma offered customers a two-year extension above and beyond the regular timelines for various ministerial applications and permits. The conditions attributing to the local emergency no longer exist and the Board of Supervisors is rescinding the local emergency as of May 16, 2023. As such the policy extending the expiration dates will sunset effective May 17, 2023.
Press Releases
Technical Advisory Board Announced for OWTS Manual Update
Permit Sonoma is seeking septic design professionals and septic contractors/operators/maintenance providers to participate in future updates to Sonoma County’s Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Regulations and Technical Standards (OWTS Manual). Permit Sonoma will be forming a OWTS Manual Technical Advisory Committee (OWTS Manual TAC).
New submittal updates for building permits | Effective Oct. 1, 2024
Permit Sonoma is implementing new submittal requirements for building permits that will go into effect on October 1, 2024. The new process will no longer allow deferred submittals for trusses, photovoltaic systems, and fire sprinklers. These items must be submitted along with the customer's building permit application or prior to the issuance of the building permit.