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How to Submit Encroachment Permit Applications Electronically

An encroachment permit is required anytime work is conducted in a County of Sonoma public right-of-way such as water line, sewer lines, construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks or driveway aprons, vegetation removal with chipper equipment, or special event.

If you need assistance determining which forms and materials are required, please send us an email at:

1. Account Registration

Ensure you are registered for a Permits Online account.

Before you can apply for your permit:

  1. Register for a Permits Online account if you do not have one already.
  2. Make note of the email address you use to log into your Permits Online account, and provide it to Permit Sonoma staff in Step 3 below.

A Permits Online account is needed so you can check the status of your permits, pay permit fees, schedule inspections, etc.

2. Ensure You Have a Complete Application

Please follow the process below to prepare to submit an Encroachment Permit type application online.

Ensure you have a complete application. Submitted documents must be in PDF format:

  1. ENC-001 Application for Encroachment Permit (PDF)
  2. A complete site plan (PDF)
  3. The following items are required, if they apply, in order to issue the Encroachment Permit and are strongly encouraged to be submitted with the application:
    1. Copy of contractor’s certificate of liability insurance in accordance with ENC-002 Insurance Requirements for Encroachment Permits (PDF)
    2. Traffic control plan meeting Caltrans MUTCD standards (PDF)
    3. If the Encroachment Permit is not related to a building permit then a bond of either $5,000 or $10,000 will be required depending on the work type.

3. Application Submittal

Select the "Apply Now" button below to apply for an encroachment permit.

  1. Application and detailed site plan must be uploaded as PDF attachments when applying. All other required documents, such as a traffic control plan or a contractor’s certificate of liability insurance, must also be submitted as PDF attachments.
  2. In the Detail Information section, be sure to fully describe the project, including the type of encroachment permit application.
  3. Provide the email address you use to log into your Permits Online Account. (See Step 1 above.)
  4. If the application is determined to be complete for submittal, you will receive an email with an invoice for the required application fees.
  5. If the application is incomplete for submittal, you will be notified of the required revisions or missing materials.

Apply Now

4. Fee Payment

Pay for the application online.

  1. An application will be considered accepted upon receipt of payment.
  2. Once you receive the application invoice, please visit our online permitting website and
    1. Select ‘Pay Fees’ on the home page.
    2. Enter the Record Number and select ‘Search’.
    3. Select the ‘Payments’ Tab at the top and then ‘Pay Fee’ on the right side of the invoice line.
    4. Follow the instructions from there.
  3. Please email to notify us that you have paid.