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PJR-150 Tree Protection Ordinance Use Permit

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This document provides instructions on the Use Permit application requirements for tree removal that is subject to the County’s Tree Protection Ordinance. A Use Permit is required for the removal of protected hardwoods greater than 36 inches diameter at breast height (DBH), or redwoods greater than 48 inches DBH.

Unless an exemption applies, a use permit is required for the removal of redwoods with single stem Diameter at breast height (DBH) exceeding 48 inches and removal of oaks and other protected hardwoods with single stem DBH exceeding 36 inches. A use permit application shall include, at minimum:

Required Materials

Use Permit applications for Protected Tree Removal subject to the Tree Protection Ordinance shall submit the following information electronically:

  1. PJR-095 - At-Cost Project Reimbursement (PDF)
  2. Site Plan (meeting the requirements of PJR-129 Site Plan Requirements for Planning Applications)
    A site plan that (1) identifies the area of the parcel that encompasses the protected perimeter of protected trees proposed for removal, and (2) within that area additionally identifies the following:
      1. Protected trees greater than six inches (6 inches) diameter at breast height (DBH) proposed for removal or retention;
      2. Existing and proposed structures, including agricultural and residential accessory structures;
      3. Existing and proposed land uses;
      4. Existing and proposed accessory uses of the land; and
      5. Existing and proposed building envelopes
  3. Proposal Statement. Submit a written description clearly describing intent to remove protected trees, the number, size, and species of trees to be removed. Please provide tree removal information in tabular format, see example below:

    Tree Number Species Diameter at Breast Height (DBH)
    1 Redwood 12 inches
    2 Redwood 9 inches
    3 Coast Live Oak 6 inches
  4. Mitigation Plan. The removal of protected trees is subject to required mitigation, which shall be provided through tree replacement or in-lieu payment.
    1. Option 1. Tree Replacement Using Arboreal Value Chart No. 1 of the Ordinance. If mitigating through this option, a plan must be included in the application, noting all locations of proposed plantings, protections, and other details as appropriate.
    2. Option 2. In-lieu Payment. Payment amount shall be determined using a methodology for tree replacement cost contained in the most recent version of “Guide for Plant Appraisal” published by the Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers or an alternative methodology of common practice acceptable to the applicable decision maker issuing the permit. Appraisal of cost shall be conducted by a qualified professional certified or licensed to make such determinations.
  5. Annual Monitoring. If tree replacement is used as a mitigation option, an annual report shall be prepared and submitted by the applicant to the Department identifying the status of mitigation plantings’ survival for a period of seven (7) years. Any mortality that occurs during the reporting period shall be replaced.
  6. Findings. The applicant shall describe how the proposed tree removal will meet required use permit findings in Section 26-88-010(m)A.4.b.