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PJR-034 Zone Change
Revised 06/11/2009
This page provides instructions to applicants on the procedure and application materials for a Zone Change.
A Zone Change can be proposed to change from one zoning district to another, to change the zoning density on a property, to remove a combining district, or to amend the text of the Sonoma County Zoning Code. Zone Change applications can also be required as a condition of a subdivision or a lot line adjustment approval. As all proposed Zone Changes must be consistent with adopted Area Plans and the General Plan, applicants should verify with planning staff if an Area Plan Amendment or General Plan Amendment must be filed in conjunction with the Zone Change.
Procedure: After a complete application is submitted, a project planner in the Project Review Division of Permit Sonoma is assigned to the project. Project applications are sent on referral to various Permit Sonoma divisions, County departments, and State agencies for review, comment(s) and condition(s). Environmental review in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) is required unless the proposed project is specifically exempt. Additional information or studies may be required to complete processing of the application. The Permit Sonoma project planner will prepare an Initial Study under CEQA. This is an assessment of potential environmental impacts and identification of mitigation measures to reduce potential impacts to a less than significant level. If the project planner determines that no significant environmental impact will result from the proposed project, a Negative Declaration, or Mitigated Negative Declaration, will be prepared.
After the Negative Declaration or Mitigated Negative Declaration is completed, the proposed Zone Change will be set for public hearings before the Planning Commission and then the Board of Supervisors. Notices of the public hearings are posted at the property and sent to owners of the property within 300 feet of the site. All interested persons are given an opportunity to comment on the proposed Zone Change at the public hearings.
Required Application Materials: A complete application must include all of the following:
- Applications. Planning application form PJR-001 (PDF), signed by all property owners and Indemnification Agreement form PJR-011, signed by applicant.
- Proposal Statement. Provide a complete and accurate written description of the current use(s) of the property and the purpose of the Zone Change. If a change in land use district is proposed, indicate any planned future use(s). If a change in zoning density is proposed, provide a detailed justification for the change. If the Zone Change is required as a condition of a subdivision or lot line adjustment, identify the associated project.
- Site Plan. Provide one 8 1/2 inches x 11 inches site plan which must include, at a minimum, the information required on the PJR-129 Site Plan Requirements for Planning Applications.
- Location/Vicinity Map. Provide one 8 1/2 inches X 11 inches location/vicinity map showing where the project is located in relation to nearby lots, streets, and highways.
- Assessor's Parcel Map. Provide an Assessor's parcel map at 8 1/2 inches x 11 inches with the project site shown. Maps may be obtained from the County Assessor's Office.
- USGS Quad Map. Provide one 8 1/2 inches X 11 inches excerpt of a USGS quad map with the project site identified. Maps may be obtained from Permit Sonoma. Contact Permit Sonoma Geographical Information Systems (GIS) staff for current map fees.
- Filing Fee. See current Permit Sonoma Project Review fee schedule.