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P-02 2020-Current: Floor Drains

Permit and Resource Management Department Banner 750

Floor drains are considered fixtures under the plumbing code and must, therefore, be connected to the building drain system leading to the method of sewage disposal. Hazardous materials are prohibited from entering the building drain system except for industrial waste which may be treated to remove harmful constituents. The following guidelines are to be used when floor drains are proposed.

Version: 04/01/2020
Revised: 12/31/2001
Effective Date: 09/01/2001

Technical Details

  1. All floor drains shall be connected to the (sanitary) building drainage system. They cannot be connected to a storm water drainage system unless approved treatment is provided and accepted by the Regional Water Quality Control Board.
  2. Due to the potential for harmful wastes to be discharged, floor drains will not be allowed in private garages.
  3. Floor drains in commercial and industrial buildings shall be evaluated for the potential of wastes harmful to the sewer system or sewage disposal system and shall be provided with an approved treatment system as necessary.
    1. For buildings served by a public sewer, the treatment system shall be evaluated by the jurisdiction providing sewer services.
    2. For buildings served by a septic system, the treatment system shall be evaluated by the Well and Septic Section and/or the Regional Water Quality Control Board.
  4. Floor drains directly connected to the drainage system shall be protected with an approved trap seal primer unless it can be demonstrated that they will be subject to frequent use.


Industrial Waste - Any and all liquid or waterborne waste from industrial or commercial processes, except domestic sewage.


2019 California Plumbing Code, Sections 304.0, 306.1, 1007