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B-32 2020-Current: Sleeping Cabins (Units)

Permit and Resource Management Department Banner 750

Sleeping Units are defined as “A room or space in which people sleep, which can also include permanent provisions for living, eating, and either sanitation or kitchen facilities, but not both.”

Sleeping units can be either wood framed, or a canvas structure supported directly on grade or by a constructed platform. Sleeping cabins (units) may be located in state permitted “Special Occupancy Parks” as defined under Section 18862.43 of the Health and Safety Code or at organized camps as defined in Section 18897 of the Health and Safety Code.

Version: 04/01/2020
Revised: 01/01/2020

Technical Details

It is the purpose of Section 450.2 of the California Building Code (CBC) to provide fire and life safety in organized camps, but at the same time preserve the basic concept of outdoor living. The intent of this section creates special consideration for organized camps to allow for an outdoor living environment. Group C occupancies are defined and limited to Organized Camps.

In Sonoma County, the State Office of Housing and Community Development (HCD) is the permitting agency for Special Occupancy Parks. Any sleeping cabin located in a special occupancy park falls under HCD jurisdiction, including electrification, plumbing, heating or support structure.

Section 450 of the CBC has not been adopted by HCD for local jurisdictions. Therefore, sleeping cabins are not allowed to be placed on any privately owned property other than Organized Camps.

Section 450 of the CBC designates enforcement of Organized Camps to the State Fire Marshall. In Sonoma County, the State Fire Marshall delegates enforcement authority to the Department of Emergency Services. In consultation and agreement with the Department of Emergency Services, Permit Sonoma has been delegated the permit authority for Group C occupancies.

Permits shall be required for sleeping cabins located within organized camps. Prescriptive standards are identified in Section 450 of the CBC. Plumbing and Electrification may be allowed in sleeping cabins when all necessary permits and departmental approvals are granted. Comfort heating may be allowed under permit if the sleeping cabin meets the requirements of the California Energy Code.

Site plans will be required for any new or replacement sleeping cabins located within organized camps. Accessibility requirements per Chapter 11 CBC shall apply to these uses. Platforms supporting permitted sleeping cabins require plans submitted under stamp and signature of a California Licensed Professional. Hard wired smoke detectors shall be required for sleeping cabins that are provided electrical power. Battery operated smoke detectors may be allowed absent electrical power.

Summary of Findings

  • Sleeping cabins are only allowed within Organized Camps and require permits.
  • Sleeping cabins located in Special Occupancy Parks fall under HCD jurisdiction.
  • Site plans are required.
  • Support platforms require permit. Plans are required submitted under stamp and signature of the state licensed professional.
  • Accessibility regulations apply to organized camps, including sleeping cabins.
  • Plumbing and electrification may be allowed in sleeping cabins with required permits and departmental approvals.
  • Smoke detectors are required.
  • Comfort heating may be allowed in sleeping cabins with required permits, departmental approvals and the structure complies with the California Energy Code.


  • 2019 California Building Code
  • Health and Safety Code