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Digital Plan Room May 2023 Webinar Questions and Answers

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Digital Plan Room May 2023 Webinar Questions and Answers

Q:  Does every doc need a description or can you say: site plan, construction plan, structural and calcs - then upload all together?

A:   The Doc description is not required, but is helpful for everyone if a more detailed description is needed, especially if the document type selected isn't as descriptive as it could be.  To clarify, each document type needs to be separated.  While the description field is not a required field, you do need to upload each document separately.

Q:  Does it matter what size sheet? Arch C? Arch D?

A:   For both building and engineering permit applications either size is acceptable.

Q:  Are decimal sheet numbers allowed, e.g. 3.1?

A:   Yes

Q:  Do we submit plans merged or separate now?

A:   Each document needs to be uploaded as a single file.  For example, if you are upload Plans, a Title 24 and a Cal Green Checklist, you'll be uploading 3 files.

Q:  Will we be able to add a page in resubmittal?

A:   Yes, but don't duplicate or reassign sheet numbers.  If you have a 10-page document and you are adding an 11th sheet, either add it to the end and number it "Sheet 11" or if it needs to be inserted between sheet 6 and 7, number it as "Sheet 6.5".

Q:  We typically include a site plan within the Plans file. Should this be separated out now?

A:   For building permit applications, a site plan should not be separated from your plans.  Engineering sometimes wants those separated out.

Q:  What if you need to “add” a sheet to the submittal?

A:   You can do this, but don't duplicate or reassign sheet numbers.  If you have a 10-page document and you are adding an 11th sheet, either add it to the end and number it "Sheet 11" or if it needs to be inserted between sheet 6 and 7, number it as "Sheet 6.5".

Q:  Is it preferred to upload the Title 24 calcs as separate document, and if so, should they also be included within the plan set, or is that no longer necessary?

A:   Yes and yes.   There is no change from our current requirements.

Q:  Will fees still be invoiced the same way before plans get in line for plan check review?

A:   No.  We will be invoicing and collecting fees at the beginning of the intake process.  Once the Permit Tech has determined that we have a complete submittal, they will send an email asking you to pay.  Once payment is received your project will enter the Plan Check queue.  The initial reviews that happen today will be eliminated.  this should get your project in line much more quickly.

Q:  Should the full set of plans be submitted together as one document, e.g., Architect, Civil, Structural, Electrical, etc.

A:   Yes please.

Q:  Do we merge our original construction plans?

A:   DPR will separate out each sheet once you upload your plan set which is your "merged" construction plans.

Q:  What if the permit tech holds up review because they have an irrelevant question? Can you then talk to the reviewer assigned?

A:   Our plans examiners are always available for questions. We are here to help!  😊

Q:  If you delete a page, how do you insert new one in same location?

A:   If the new page is intended to replace the original use the same page number and call this out in your response the the Issue that led to the replacement.

Q:  If we delete a sheet and uploaded a revised sheet e.g. A3, is original Sheet A3 retained by Permit Sonoma?

A:   Yes, we will still have the original, but only the final collection of sheets will be included in the Approved Set.

Q:  Does each person addressing comments need an Accela account?

A:   Yes.  Each user must be registered in Permit Online.  However, they do not all need to be listed as an Applicant or Licensed Professional on the Permit.  The Primary Applicant can add additional users as delegates to their account.  This is done in the account settings in Permits Online.

Q:  How will we know how many more reviewers have to review the package before it’s going to be reopened?

A:   This can be seen in the Summary section of the Digital Plan Room.  This is available in Permits Online.

Q:  Will the Applicant and Licensed Professional both receive the email reminders and status updates from the Digital Plan Room?

A:   Anyone actually listed on the permit as a Contact, Applicant or Licensed Professional will get the emails.

Q:  For corrections, we need to respond on the uploaded document in the first cycle as Seth was demonstrating, and also correct our drawings, and resubmit?

A:   You will be responding to the issues that were identified in the Digital Plan Room.  Those responses should be a narrative that describes the corrections that were made to the document and shown on the resubmittal.

Q:  Can we upload Building plan check revisions if comments are not yet received on separate permits, e.g. Grading, Encroachment or Well & Septic, have not been received?

A:   Yes, each permit is handled separately.

Q:  When will this new system roll out, or has it already?

A:   As of this workshop (April 2023), It is live for the Grading, Stock Plan, Ag Exempt, Deferred Submittal - Fire, Fire Construction and Hazardous Materials Permit Types.  Building Permit with Plan Check, Deferred Submittal - Plan Check and Revision will come later this month.

Q:  Is General Contractor information required at submittal?

A:   Depends on the permit type.  However, generally speaking, a building permit can be applied for by the homeowner with the Owner/Builder acknowledgement.

Q:  Is this process in effect now?  How do I respond to a correction letter for a project now in Plan Review?

A:   Existing permit applications will continue to follow the existing process.  The Digital Plan Room will only apply to permits that are applied for after the implementation date.

Q:  Has contractor database been updated to find licensed contractors?

A:   Licensed Contractors that are in our database currently will remain so after deployment. If the contractor isn't in the database currently then they will need to be added.

Q:  For upcoming Building Permit submittals, is there any benefit to waiting and submitting after this new system is up, or should we go ahead and submit now?

A:   That's up to you.  Generally speaking, I would say to submit now.  We will still be processing things in the order received.  Permit submitted with DPR will not take cuts in front of those that are already in process.  That said, if you prefer the the new process, a wait of a few weeks might work for you.

Q:  Easy to demo for the developer of this new software, not as obvious to the Applicant. Do you have a list of trained professionals, whom I’ll need to hire, who will know how to navigate this new gauntlet?

A:   We understand that this may be a big change for many organizations.  We are here to help.  If you'd find it helpful, I'd be willing to conduct a custom training for you and your team.  Please reach out to me, Tom Cirimele, IT Manager, Permit Sonoma,

Q:  Will there be a repeat of this for our review?

A:   This session and the previous one hosted on April 13 were recorded and will be available for viewing on our website, Digital Plan Room (