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SUR-001 Parcel/Final Map Submittal Requirements Checklist
To provide General Guidelines / minimum requirements for subdivision maps.
Version: 06/01/2022
Email submittal package to:
- Supporting Data (e.g. Deeds, Maps, Unrecorded surveys, etc.)
- Method and Reasoning Statement
- Preliminary Title Report
- Lot Calculations
- Approved Condition of Approvals
Certificates and Acknowledgments
- Owner's Statement
- Owner's Notary Acknowledgment Certificate
- County Clerk Statement
- Trustee/Beneficiary Certificate and Notary Acknowledgment Certificate
- Surveyor's Statement
- County Tax Collector's Certificate
- Owners of interest (easement) certificate/Record Title Interest
- County Surveyor's Statement.
- County Recorder's Certificate
- Acceptance Certificate for right of way dedications and easements
- Acceptance Certificate (for easements dedicated to SCWA)
General Map Information
- One inch blank margin around the sheet edges
- Key map (if more than two map sheets)
- Location map
- Full lot shown on one sheet with bearings and distances on same sheet
- Lots numbered sequentially, beginning with 1. If map is phased, each phase of the map shall show lots numbered sequentially, beginning with 1
- Show adjoiner Name, Official Record Document Number, and Assessor Parcel Number
- Note: "All distances shown are in feet and decimals thereof"
- Note: "All ties shown hereon are perpendicular unless shown otherwise" (when applicable)
- Basis of Bearings: between two found monuments or California Coordinate System
- North arrow (oriented to the top of the page)
- Scale (written and graphic). Scale shall be as shown on an engineering scale
- Legend with symbols
- All existing easements
- Soils report note on final map
- Concrete monuments on final map
- Ties to all found monuments
- Abbreviations defined
Title Block
- Title block in lower right corner if possible
- Assessor's parcel number in lower right corner
- Owner's name and legal designation of property as recorded
- Project name or Parcel/Final Map Number
- Parcel location: Rancho or Township/Range/Section or City
- Number of lots
- Number of common parcels
- Date prepared
- Sheet number and number of sheets
- Map prepared by