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PJR-102 Application for Non-Renewal (NR) or Partial Non-Renewal of Contract (PNR)

Permit and Resource Management Department Banner 750

Revised 08/28/2012

Sonoma County Land Conservation Act Program

Application Material

  1. Recorded Grant Deed, or b) the Quit Claim Deed with the previous Grant Deed for each lot or parcel, or c) a copy of a current Preliminary Title Report (issued within 60 days of filing).  The purpose of this information is to confirm title and the identity of the owner(s) of the land.
  2. Land Conservation Contract - PJR-098(PDF) or FSZ Contract to be non-renewed or partially non-renewed.
  3. Planning Application Form - PJR-001 (PDF) completed and signed by the property owner and/or authorized agent.  T

Additional Application Materials for Partial Non-Renewal

  1. Partial Nonrenewal-Supplemental Questionnaire Form, completed and signed by owner and/or authorized agent. This form is available from Permit Sonoma.
  2. Agricultural Income Statement Form PJR-065 (PDF: 236 kB), completed and signed by the owner and/or applicant, for the land to remain under contract. 
  3. Assessor’s Parcel map showing the parcels affected by the application. This map is available from the Assessor’s Office or Permit Sonoma.
  4. One 8 ½ “ x 11” legible copy of the United States Geological Survey Map of the project site area clearly showing project boundaries and labeled with the quadrangle map name and applicant’s name.  Also delineate the boundary of any existing Agricultural Preserve and/or existing Land Conservation Contract that this application proposes to affect.  The USGS Map is available through Permit Sonoma.

Processing Procedures

Nonrenewal Initiated by Landowner.

Upon receipt of a complete application for nonrenewal, Permit Sonoma will prepare the notice of nonrenewal and mail the notice to the applicant for signature.

To be effective, the notice of nonrenewal must be

  1. signed by the landowner and the signature notarized; and
  2. served by the landowner on the County by delivering it to the Clerk of the Board at least 90 days prior to the contract renewal date.

Service may be made in person, or by U.S. Mail postmarked no later than the 90th day before the contract’s annual renewal date. (Clerk of the Board, 575 Administration Drive, Room 100A, Santa Rosa, California, 95403.) The Clerk of the Board will record the notice of nonrenewal with the County Recorder’s Office within 20 days of receipt of the served notice of nonrenewal. The Clerk will mail a conformed copy of the recorded notice of non-renewal to the owner, Permit Sonoma, and County Counsel. Permit Sonoma will deliver a copy of the recorded notice of nonrenewal to the California Department of Conservation and the Assessor’s Office.

If a notice of nonrenewal is inadequate or rejected for recording by the County Recorder’s Office, the Clerk of the Board will return it to the owner and notify Permit Sonoma.

If a notice of nonrenewal is served by the owner less than 90 days before the contract renewal date, the notice will be deemed to apply to the contract’s next annual renewal date.

Partial Nonrenewal Initiated by Landowner

Upon receipt of a complete application for authorization to serve a notice of partial nonrenewal, Permit Sonoma will review the application for compliance with the Land Conservation Act and the Uniform Rules, schedule the application for consideration by the Board of Supervisors, and transmit a report and recommendation to the Board. In determining whether to approve the application, the Board may consider the effect of the proposed partial nonrenewal on the balance of the contracted land not subject to the nonrenewal, including whether the balance of the contracted land would continue to qualify for the contract. Notice of the Board meeting at which the application will be considered will be provided to the owners of all parcels subject to the contract. If the Board approves the application, Permit Sonoma will prepare the notice of partial nonrenewal and mail the notice to the applicant. To be effective, the notice of partial nonrenewal must be (a) signed by the landowner and the signature notarized; and (b) served by the landowner on the County by delivering it to the Clerk of the Board at least 90 days prior to the contract’s annual renewal date. Service may be made in person, or by U.S. Mail postmarked no later than the 90th day before the contract’s annual renewal date. (Clerk of the Board, 575 Administration Drive, Room 100A, Santa Rosa, California, 95403.) The Clerk of the Board will record the notice of partial nonrenewal with the County Recorder’s Office within 20 days of receipt of the served notice of partial nonrenewal. The Clerk will mail a conformed copy of the recorded notice of partial non-renewal to the owner, Permit Sonoma, and County Counsel. Permit Sonoma will deliver a copy of the recorded notice of partial nonrenewal to the California Department of Conservation and the Assessor’s Office.

If a notice of partial nonrenewal is inadequate or rejected for recording by the County Recorder’s Office, the Clerk of the Board will return it to the landowner and notify Permit Sonoma.

If a notice of partial nonrenewal is served by the owner less than 90 days from the contract renewal date, the notice will be deemed to apply to the contract’s next annual renewal date.

Filing Fee

See current Permit Sonoma Project Review Fee Schedule.

Application Deadline: June 1st. Applications for non-renewal or partial non-renewal of a Land Conservation Contract or FSZ Contract must be submitted by June 1st of each year.

To be effective for the following tax year, a Notice of Non-Renewal or authorized Notice of Partial Non-Renewal must be served by the owner on the County on or before the preceding October 3rd, which is 90 days from contract renewal date, December 31st.


Sonoma County Uniform Rules, Uniform Rule 9.2
California Government Code §§ 51245