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PJR-029 General Plan Amendment Application

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Revised 11/17/2005

Instructions, procedure and application materials for general plan amendments. In order to amend a General Plan land use policy, designation or density on a parcel, an application must be made for a General Plan amendment.

General Plan amendment applications are evaluated on the basis of environmental constraints, protection of agriculture, availability of public services, projected population and employment levels, Planning Area policies and other General Plan goals, objectives and policies.

Most General Plan amendments also require a concurrent zone change and or an Area Plan amendment to maintain consistency with related plans and codes. Development (i.e. subdivision or use permit) plans are recommended to accompany the application, but are not mandatory.


Upon receipt of an application for a General Plan Amendment, staff will review the history of the general plan land use designation of the parcel. Referrals are sent to various agencies for review. Based on those responses and staff review, additional information may be required. Staff will then prepare an initial study, and if no significant environmental impact is found, a Negative Declaration will be recommended. If impacts are identified, additional reports may be required and/or the project may be referred to the Environmental Review Committee to determine if an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is required.

After environmental review is completed, staff will evaluate the proposal for consistency with the goals, policies and programs for the General Plan. The project will be set for public hearings before the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors. Legal notices will be posted and mailed to neighboring property owners.

Please note that General Plan Amendments are considered by the Board of Supervisors only four times during any calendar year (exceptions may be made for affordable housing projects, providing at least 25% of the units are affordable). 

Required Application Materials

In order for your application to be considered complete, please provide the following information. Your application will not be accepted unless all required materials are provided.

  1. Completed application form PJR-001 (PDF). Signed by the applicant and property owner(s).
  2. Proposal Statement. This should be a one to two page letter fully describing the current use of the property and what the amendment would allow. Discuss changes in noise, traffic and site appearance that may result from the proposal, quantified where possible. If a change in land use designation is proposed, indicate any planned future use and also discuss how your project would be consistent with the General Plan designation criteria of the proposed designation (refer to the criteria in the General PlanLand Use Element  If a change in density is proposed, provide, in detail, the justification for the change.
  3. Indemnification agreement. Signed by all property owner(s).
  4. Site Plan CSS-019. Add any additional information regarding the existing and proposed uses which, in your opinion, should be included on the site plan. 
  5. Location/vicinity map. Provide a location/vicinity map at 8 ½ inches x 11 inches showing where the project is located in relation to nearby lots, streets, highways and/or major natural features (e.g., locator maps & road maps).
  6. Assessor's Parcel Map. Provide an Assessor's parcel map at 8 ½ inches x 11 inches with the project site shown identifies. Maps may be obtained from the County Assessor's Office or PRMD.
  7. United States Geologic Survey (USGS) quad map with the site outlined. Provide 8 ½ inches x 11 inches maximum size.

Filing Fees

See current Permit Sonoma Project Review fee schedule.