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GRD-009 Grading & Drainage Inspection Notes
These notes provide information on the County’s requirements for inspections related to grading and drainage work.
Version: December 16, 2020
Submittal Requirements
- The permittee and the property owner shall be responsible for the work to be performed in compliance with the approved plans and specifications, Chapter 11 and Chapter 11A of the Sonoma County Code (SCC), and any permit conditions. Work shall be subject to inspection as required by Permit Sonoma to verify compliance. The contractor shall consult the project job card for coordination of inspection requests.
- Prior to the start of any grading or drainage work, the permittee shall have a pre-construction consultation with Permit Sonoma staff to discuss the scope of the project, permit conditions, required inspections, appropriate application of best management practices (BMPs) and any other construction issues.
- Inspection requests shall be made through the Sonoma County automated inspection request system.
- Permit Sonoma may require professional inspections and certifications to verify proper completion of the work. Where the use of professional personnel is required, these personnel shall immediately report in writing to Permit Sonoma and the permittee any instance of work not in compliance with the approved plans, specifications, or any permit conditions. If professional personnel is changed during the course of the work, the work shall be stopped until the replacement individual has notified Permit Sonoma in writing of their agreement to accept responsibility for approval of the completed work within the area of their technical competence.
- Permit Sonoma shall final a permit when all work, including the installation of all drainage improvements and their protective devices, and all storm water BMPs, have been completed in compliance with the approved plans and specifications, and all final reports required by SCC 11.14.040.a have been submitted and accepted. Final reports may include: as-built plans, testing records, professional opinions, and declarations about completed work from professional personnel. Similar reports may be required at other stages of the work.
- The permittee shall provide adequate and safe access to the project site for inspection during the performance of all work.
- During construction activities, the project site address shall be posted as follows:
- The street numbers must be at least four inches tall, with a reflective surface.
- The address must be visible from both directions along the road.
- The address must be posted at all forks in any access road and at the project site.