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Flexible Parking Standards

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In order to encourage developers and employers to re-use existing buildings, to provide amenities that encourage alternative modes of transportation, and to incorporate renewable energy systems and Low Impact Development (LID) measures, flexible parking standards and a recommendation for bicycle amenities for certain large employers have been adopted.


The recommendations for non-residential development to provide on-site amenities to encourage alternative modes of transportation apply within Urban Service Areas and near a Class 1 trail, and are optional in other areas of the county. Reduced car parking standards are available county-wide to both residential and non-residential developments to incentivize LID measures, solar installations over parking areas, and the provision of EV charging stations. Reduced parking standards for the re-use of existing buildings are applicable only within urban service areas or unincorporated communities.

Permit Requirements

Reductions in the number of car spaces required must be approved by the decision-maker for the type of project. An increase in the percentage of compact parking spaces and the reduction in the dimensions of solar-covered parking stalls may be approved administratively or by the Design Review Committee, as specified in the Code.

Development Standards

  • The proposed standards allow a 20% reduction in car spaces where feasible and safe
  • For non-residential development projects of more than 50,000 square feet and within Urban Service Areas or within ½ mile of a Class 1 bikeway, the provision of amenities including covered bike parking, showers and changing rooms is recommended
  • The dimensions of covered parking spaces may be reduced when solar covers are used
  • 1 parking space credit is granted for every 3 bike lockers, 3 space credits per shower, etc.
  • A 20% reduction in required car parking may be granted for the provision of facilities such as EV charging stations, bus pull-outs and shelters, and the bicycle amenities listed above