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Summary of Zoning Code standards for Small Agricultural Processing Operations

Small Scale Processing

  • The proposed ordinance would allow one processing facility per contiguous ownership in the three agricultural zones LIA, LEA, DA and the RRD zone.
  • At least seventy percent (70 %) of the agricultural commodities used in the processing must be grown on-site, or on-site or on lands owned or leased by the operator in the County. Processing does not involve alcoholic, cannabis, or meat products.
  • Proposed agricultural processing facilities may not exceed 3,000 square feet on parcels 2 acres or greater and 5,000 square feet on parcels 5 acres or greater. All processing, including storage of processed goods, would occur inside a building or covered area.
  • The operator must comply with all Federal, State, and local laws and regulations applicable to the type of processing facility proposed and obtain and or comply with all permit, license, approval, and operational requirements.
  • Compliance with all applicable laws related to food safety, water quality, air quality, building codes, well, septic, fire, and zoning code, is required.
  • A Waste Management Plan for storing, handling and disposing of any waste by-products is required. Wastewater discharges must be permitted and comply with applicable regulations of the Regional Water Quality Control Board.
  • The owner shall maintain a properly functioning septic system which complies with sewage disposal. Waste discharged shall not exceed the design capacity of the septic system and any existing restrictions unless a new code-conforming replacement septic system is built.
  • Indoor processing activities may be conducted seven days a week, 24-hours per day as needed. Outdoor processing activities, deliveries and shipping are limited to the hours from 8 am to 5 pm, except during seasonal harvest when the hours may be extended.
  • The small-scale agricultural processing facility signs are limited to one non-illuminated sign not exceeding 16 square feet.
  • Noise generation shall not exceed the General Plan noise standards
  • Employees, customers and visitors and tours are allowed subject to accessibility, restrooms, and washing facility requirements.
  • Applicants must prepare and submit, unless waived, a biotic study prepared by a qualified professional to demonstrate that sensitive environmental resource areas are avoided.
  • Facilities shall be set back a minimum of sixty feet (60') from areas where livestock or poultry congregate or are confined. Outdoor loading and activity areas must be located at least 200 feet from the outdoor activity area of any dwelling unit on an adjacent property.
  • Wells providing water supply must conform to requirements of Chapter 25b of the County Code and meet any performance or construction or water quality standards stipulated in the operational permits and well construction permit.
  • Operators must monitor groundwater usage and ground water levels quarterly and report annually to County.
  • Small-scale processing facilities must verify that their water supply has adequate water supply to meet existing and proposed uses without resulting in impacts to adjacent wells or streams. For purposes of implementation, the quantity of water from a water supply may be considered adequate if one of the following criteria are met:
Groundwater Availability AreaProposed Standard
No net increase in water usageAllowed if analysis verifies
Class 1 and 2 groundwater availability areas and outside adopted groundwater management plan areasAllowed
Class 3 (marginal groundwater areas) or in area in an adopted groundwater management planAllowed with groundwater study or
Class 4 (low or highly variable groundwater yields)Use Permit required with groundwater study