Apple Safari Settings Instructions
Recommendation for Safari Users
The Safari web browser has compatibility issues with the Permits Online tool, particularly with uploading documents required for permits. We strongly recommend that users of the Safari web browser on Apple Mac computers install the Google Chrome web browser for Mac.
These instructions are only needed for Safari web browser users on a Macintosh device in order to register an account with Permit Sonoma. You do not need to follow these instructions in the following situations:
- You will not be logging into the Permits Online tool. (Please note that some Permits Online features require you to log in.)
- You plan to log into the Permits Online tool, but you are already registered with a Permits Online account.
- Open Safari on your Macintosh device.
- Go to Preferences, and click on the Advanced tab.
- Select the "Show Develop menu in menu bar" checkbox. Make sure it is checked.
- Perform the registration process in the Permits Online tool.