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LPG Tank Hold Downs

Permit Sonoma Fire Prevention

Date Issued 1-2011 Revised 7-2014
Topic LPG Tank Hold Downs
For Use By  Installers, Home Owners and LPG Companies 

Liquid Propane Gas (LPG) Hold downs are used for the purpose of seismic and or flood zone anchoring. This coded was added to the CFC to prevent LPG connection failures at the tank during a seismic or flood event. Hold downs can be accomplished in the form of bolting, strapping or anchoring.


LPG tanks can be installed on a concrete slab non-engineered. The legs of the LPG tank shall attached by corrosion resistant concrete anchored type fitted bolt or stud with a washer, securely tightened down.

Tanks located in Flood Zones will also be required to utilize Earth Anchors unless slab can be engineered to prevent floating.


Stranded Cable can be of .25 of an inch galvanized or stainless. Strapping shall be 1.25 x .031 stainless steel, minimum tensile strength of 4750 Pounds. Or 1.25 x .031 galvanized steel, class B, grade 1, minimum tensile strength of 4750 pounds. 

Earth Anchors Flood Zones

Earth anchors are approve to all conditions and shall be used in flood zones.

Other Materials

Minimum Grade, Stainless Steel or Galvanized Steel

1/2 inch Bolts, 1/2 inch Eye Bolts or 1/2 inch Lag Bolt approved for seismic protection only. The bolt shall be installed in a concrete slab or treated wood with a minimum thickness of 4 inches x 4 inches and set in concrete at a minimum of 2 feet 0 inches below grade. 3/8 inch minimum turn buckle shall be used to remove excess slack from cables or strapping and shall be stainless or galvanized steel.


Shall be approved by the fire code and building official on a per-case application.