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Bulletin Fire Lane

Permit Sonoma Fire Prevention

Date Issued: January 0, 2009
Revised 2014
Topic: Fire Lanes
Code Reference County Code (CC) Chapter 13, California Fire Code (CFC) 503, California Vehicle Code (CVC) 22658 (not in bold) & 22500
For Use By: Permit Applicants and Staff

Information Bulletin - Fire Lanes

CFC 503 Obstruction of Fire Apparatus Access Roads– Fire apparatus access roads shall not be obstructed in any manner, including parking of vehicles. Minimum road widths shall be maintained unless approved by the fire code official.

“No Parking -Fire Lane" signs and curb markings shall conform to the requirements as outlined below.

For Private Property CVC 22658

There must be in plain view at all entrances to the property, a sign not less than 17 inches by 22 inches in size, with lettering not less than one inch in height, prohibiting public parking and indicating that vehicles will be removed at the owner's expense, and containing the telephone number of the local traffic law enforcement agency and the name and telephone number of each towing company that is a party to a written general towing authorization agreement with the owner or person in lawful possession of the property. The sign may also indicate that a citation may also be issued for the violation.  (See Figure I)  

For Public Property CVC 22500

The designation of a “FIRE LANE” shall be indicated (1) by a sign posted immediately adjacent to, and visible from, the designated place clearly stating in letters not less than one inch in height that the place is a fire lane, (2) by outlining or painting the place in red and, in contrasting color, marking the place with the words "FIRE LANE", which are clearly visible from a vehicle, or (3) by a red curb or red paint on the edge of the roadway upon which is clearly marked the words "FIRE LANE". (See Figure II)

Additional Access CFC 503

The fire code official is authorized to require more than one fire apparatus access road based on the potential for impairment of a single road by vehicle congestion, condition of terrain, climatic conditions or other factors that could limit access. The fire code official shall have the authority to require an increase in the minimum access widths where they are inadequate for fire or rescue operations.

Fire Lanes for Public and Private Property

  750-fire lane sign

  1. Sign must be posted in plain view at all entrances to the property prohibiting public parking.
  2. Metal reflectorized overall sign size:
    1. Minimum 17 inches by 22 inches
    2. Background: White with minimum 1” red lettering.
    3. Wording indicating that vehicles will be removed at the owner's expense
    4. Telephone number of the local traffic law enforcement agency
    5. Name and telephone number of each towing company that is a party to a written general towing authorization agreement with the owner or person in lawful possession of the property.

Fire Lane Curb Private Property

750-Firelane Curb

The designation of a Fire Lane shall be designated by a red curb or red paint on the edge of the roadway upon which is clearly marked the words Fire Lane in a contrasting color.