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Airport Land Use Commission Meeting

Date: October 14, 2024

Time: 9:00 a.m.

Address & Webinar Information:

In-Person Meeting Information:

Permit Sonoma Front Conference Room
2550 Ventura Avenue
Santa Rosa, CA 95403

Webinar Information:
Members of the public can watch or listen to the meeting by calling in or by using the Zoom application:

Registration Required: No

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The Airport Land Use Commission reviews the consistency of proposed actions or projects with the adopted policies and standards.

The Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC) meets the 2nd Monday of each month as needed.

Roll Call
Todd Lands, City Representative
Leslie Mikulich, District 4, County Representative
Arthur Hayssen, Vice Chair, Public Airport Representative
Sam Salmon, Chair, City Representative

Staff Members
Liz Goebel, Secretary
Claudette Diaz, Staff
Luke Bowman, County Counsel


9:00 a.m. Call to order, Roll Call

Swearing in Commissioner Douglas Lumgair, Airport Managers Representative


Commission Announcements

Approval of Minutes

Public Appearances for Non-Agenda Items

Airport Land Use Commission Regular Calendar

View documents for all items listed digitally »

Item No.: 1
Time: At or After 9:00 AM
Staff: Claudette Diaz
Topic: Updating the Conflict-of-Interest Code
Action: Staff recommends that the Airport Land Use Commission (1) adopt a resolution updating the Conflict-of-Interest Code for the Sonoma County Airport Land Use Commission and (2) direct staff to submit the Conflict-of-Interest Code to the Board of Supervisors for approval.

Disability Accommodation

If you have a disability which requires an accommodation or an alternative format to assist you in observing and commenting on this meeting, please call (707) 565-7387 or email at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting to make arrangements.


Available digitally through the link in the Agenda. You can also email or the project planner to request materials.

Public Appearances for Non-Agenda Items

Shortly after the meeting begins, the ALUC invites public participation regarding the affairs of the ALUC. Any person desiring to speak on any matter which is not scheduled on this agenda may do so. Comments may be limited to three minutes, or as imposed at the discretion of the Chair. Under State Law, matters presented during public appearances cannot be discussed or acted upon by the ALUC commissioners.

Public Comment

Please follow the instructions below to submit a Public Comment in writing, email or in person via Zoom. The ALUC invites interested persons to submit comments which are entered into the permanent record. Written comments received prior to and during the meeting are distributed to the commissioners, staff, and are available to the public via the public copies link in the calendar section of this agenda. Written comments received after the package is made public may be read into the record.

Mail Public Comments: Address letters to: Permit Sonoma, 2550 Ventura Avenue, Attn: Airport Land Use Commission Secretary, Santa Rosa, CA 95403 and include the project number. Please note, due to the office closure under the Sonoma County Shelter in Place order, longer than usual processing times for mailed in items may occur.

Email Public Comments: Email comments to: Please provide your name and the project number. It is advised to email comments prior to the meeting date to give commissioners and staff review time.

Please Be Respectful of others and the varying points of view. No clapping, booing, or speaking out of turn

Please Be Courteous turn off cell phones and pagers while the meeting is in session.