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Spill Reporting & Non-Storm Water Runoff

Permit and Resource Management Department Banner 750

Emergency Spills

Spill or illegal discharge of pollutants to a storm drain or creek

Agency: Redwood Empire Dispatch
Communications Authority (REDCOM)
Times: 24 Hours
Phone Number: (707) 576-1365

Oil and chemical spills occurring in or threatening rivers, bays, or wetlands

Agency: California Emergency Management Agency
Times: 24 Hours
Phone Number: 9-1-1 -if significant release)
(800) 852-7550

* (800) 582-7550 is the primary reporting number for agencies such as Fish & Wildlife and the Regional Water Quality Control Boards


Spills in unincorporated Sonoma County that are contained and not directly discharging to a storm drain or creek, contact the appropriate Sonoma County agency listed below.

Spills from private septic systems

 Agency: Permit Sonoma (PRMD)
Code Enforcement Section
 Times: Business hours:
Monday - Friday,
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
 Phone Number: (707) 565-1992
(707) 576-1365 - Non-business hours and weekends

Discharge of soapy water, construction materials, concrete waste, sediment, soil, paint 

Agency: Permit Sonoma (PRMD)
Stormwater Section
Times: Business hours:
Monday - Friday,
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Phone Number: (707) 565-1900

Discharge of animal waste, public pool water, solid waste and Illegal dumping 

Agency: Health Services
Environmental Health and Safety
Times: Business hours:
Monday - Friday,
7:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Phone Number: (707) 565-6565
24 hour - Online Form

Non-emergency spills or dumping along county roadside ditches

Agency: Transportation and Public Works
Road Maintenance Division
Times: Business hours:
Monday - Friday,
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Phone Number: (707) 565-5100
24 hour - Online Form

Spills at County Regional Parks

Agency: Regional Parks Department
Times: Business hours:
Monday - Friday,
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Phone Number: (707) 565-2041
24 hour - Online Form

Report Spills in Incorporated Cities and Towns

Spills in incorporated cities that are contained and not directly discharging to a storm drain or creek, contact the appropriate City listed below.

City of Cloverdale
City of Cotati
City of Healdsburg
City of Petaluma
City of Rohnert Park
City of Santa Rosa
City of Sebastopol
City of Sonoma
Town of Windsor

What is Non-Storm Water Runoff?

Non-Storm Water runoff is any activity or event which results in a release, leak, flow, escape or the placement of any material (liquid or solid) other than rain water into our storm drains, roadside ditches and creeks. It is important to prevent pollutants from entering our storm drain systems in order to protect public health and our local waterways. Storm drain systems include streets, curbs and gutters, storm drains, roadside ditches, and creeks.

The following are examples of the different types of pollutants reported to Sonoma County:

  • Soil and sediment
  • Paints and solvents
  • Garbage or Trash
  • Detergents and soapy wash water
  • Concrete and asphalt compounds
  • Fuel, oil, and grease
  • Pool and spa discharges
  • Animal waste
  • Hazardous chemicals
  • Sewage or Septic discharges