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Sonoma County General Plan Update

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Stay Connected: Please join us at an upcoming Community Workshop!

Family-friendly activities, Spanish translation, and food provided at in-person workshops; registration is not required.
Virtual Workshop Registration Required:

  • Thursday, January 23rd, 6 – 8 PM | Virtual via Zoom
  • Wednesday, January 29th, 6 – 8 PM | Sonoma Valley High School | Library
  • Thursday, January 30th, 6 – 8 PM | Forestville Community Library
  • Monday, February 3rd, 6 – 8 PM | Healdsburg Community Center
  • Tuesday, February 4th, 6 – 8 PM | Penngrove Elementary | Multipurpose Room
  • Wednesday, February 19th, 12 – 2 PM | Virtual via Zoom

General Plan Sonoma: Community Vision Phase

The County's current General Plan 2020 was adopted by the Board of Supervisors in 2008. Since its adoption, significant changes have occurred in the including changing conditions related to public health, climate change, equity, costs of land, and housing prices. Meanwhile, State laws regarding what needs to be covered in the General Plan have also changed. The Community Vision Phase of General Plan Sonoma will establish an approach to update the General Plan to address these changes based on robust community engagement and a careful review of the current General Plan. This work will result in the creation of a detailed plan for the Policy Development Phase of the General Plan Update. The first phase is expected to be completed in 2025.

On this page:

What is a General Plan?

The Sonoma County General Plan is a central policy document that provides the basic or essential framework for all zoning and land use decisions. It directs the patterns of land use throughout the unincorporated county based on the priorities of its residents and stakeholders. Sonoma County General Plan 2020 is being updated to reflect the evolving conditions of the county and region over the past 16 years, as well as to bring it into compliance with current State law requirements. The updated General Plan will help the Sonoma County community create and achieve a shared vision for future preservation, growth, and change that is environmentally, economically, and equitably feasible and sustainable.

Typically, a General Plan begins with a vision statement and then establishes goals, objectives, policies, and programs that will implement that vision. These issues are organized into a series of topic-specific “elements” or chapters of the General Plan. State law requires General Plans to address the following elements: land use, circulation and mobility, housing, conservation, open space, noise, safety, and environmental justice. These elements can be combined or presented in any order that best fits the community. Additional elements can be added to the General Plan depending on local needs and goals.

The General Plan also includes area plans that create more specific policies for smaller geographic areas. This update process will retain the County’s existing area plans, such as the Bennett Valley Area Plan, South Santa Rosa Area Plan, and Petaluma Dairy Belt Area Plan, but may call for new area plans to be developed or for existing plans to be updated.

General Plan Topics

Sonoma County General Plan 2020 addresses all State-required elements, except for environmental justice, which is a topic required by a State law passed in 2016. It also includes four optional elements: Agricultural Resources, Water Resources, Air Transportation, and Public Facilities and Services. The current General Plan has a total of ten elements. As part of the update process, some elements may be combined or reorganized. The existing General Plan elements are listed and described below.

Land Use

The Land Use Element describes where different types of land uses may be established in the unincorporated areas of Sonoma County. It presents this information through a set of nine sub-county planning area land use maps, while also establishing the allowed density and intensity for each land use designation. This element also includes goals, objectives, policies, and implementation programs to guide how land uses can be developed throughout the county and within each planning area.


The Housing Element determines the future housing needs to accommodate projected growth, along with policies and programs to encourage the development of housing for all income levels, meet the special shelter needs of specific population groups, and maintain and improve the quality of housing and the development of diverse types of housing. The Housing Element was updated separately from the rest of the General Plan due to special timing requirements by the Department of Housing and Community Development. For more information on the Sonoma County Housing Element 2023 - 2031, please visit the Housing Element website.

Agricultural Resources

The Agricultural Resources Element includes guidelines and policies for lands that are designated for agricultural use. This element includes policies that address multiple agricultural topics, including the marketing of agricultural products, stabilization of agriculture at the edge of urban areas, limitations on the intrusion of residential uses, location of agricultural services and visitor-serving uses, provision of farmworker housing, streamlining of permit procedures for agricultural uses, and recognition of the aquaculture and horse industries as agricultural endeavors.

Open Space and Resource Conservation

The Open Space and Resource Conservation Element outlines goals, objectives, policies, and implementation programs preserving open spaces, protecting natural and cultural resources, and ensuring access to outdoor recreational opportunities. Open space policies address parks, trails, and bikeways. Natural resource policies address topics such as soils, forests and timber, biotic resources, geothermal resources, mineral resources, energy resources, and air quality. Archaeological, cultural, and historical resources are also addressed in this element.

Water Resources

The Water Resources Element recognizes the importance of water to the environment, economy, agriculture, and overall quality of life in Sonoma County. This element includes policies that address surface and groundwater, water conservation and reuse, public water systems, and water quality.

Public Safety

The Public Safety Element sets special limitations and procedures for development projects in areas subject to natural hazards. Safety hazards addressed in this element include seismic and other geologic hazards, flooding, susceptibility to wildland fires, and hazardous materials. The Public Safety Element is currently being updated under a separate effort but will be integrated with this General Plan Update. Visit the Environmental Justice and Safety Elements Updates website for more information on the Public Safety Element Update.

Circulation and Transit

The Circulation and Transit Element addresses the location and extent of planned transportation routes and facilities and includes goals, objectives, policies, and implementation programs affecting the mobility of residents, businesses, and visitors.

Air Transportation

The Air Transportation Element expresses policies related to the public use of airports in the county, including compatibility of land uses in adjacent areas. The element focuses on the Sonoma County Airport and contains policies related to the types and amounts of aviation activities to be accommodated and the facilities needed to serve them.

Public Facilities and Services

The Public Facilities and Services Element addresses public services related to the physical development of the county, including water, wastewater management, public education, parks and recreation, fire protection, solid waste management, utilities, and youth and family services.


The Noise Element evaluates existing and projected future noise conditions related to highways, airports, and other sources. This element includes policies and standards to assure noise compatibility in current and land development.

Environmental Justice

The Planning for Healthy Communities Act (SB 1000) was enacted in 2016 and requires cities and counties to incorporate environmental justice into their General Plans. Sonoma County General Plan 2020 currently does not have an Environmental Justice Element. Through a separate effort, Sonoma County is developing a new Environmental Justice Element, which will involve identifying Environmental Justice Communities; assessing their vulnerability to pollution and other environmental burdens; developing policies to invest in their health, safety, and resilience; and promoting meaningful civic engagement. Visit the Environmental Justice and Safety Elements Updates website for more information on the new Environmental Justice Element.

Planning Process

General Plan Audit

The Community Engagement Phase of General Plan Sonoma will begin with an audit to evaluate Sonoma County General Plan 2020. The purpose of this evaluation is to identify changes needed to comply with State law, resolve any inconsistencies across county planning documents, eliminate redundancies, and reflect current conditions in the county. This audit will evaluate all goals, objectives, policies, and implementation programs in the existing General Plan to determine which should be kept, revised, or eliminated in preparation for the upcoming update.

Community Outreach and Engagement

Another early task will be to prepare a draft Community Engagement Plan that will provide a framework for gathering community input to guide the General Plan Update and its vision. Community engagement will be conducted in two stages. First will be centralized workshops and online engagement focused on key topics. Next, we will host focused engagement with local communities throughout the county. Special effort will be given to underserved  populations and community advisory bodies. All engagement activities will be conducted in English and Spanish. The General Plan Sonoma Phase 1 community outreach and engagement process includes the following activities:

  • Centralized and Virtual Workshops. A series of centralized in-person and virtual community workshops will engage community members and seek broad input on various General Plan topics.
  • Online Surveys. Online surveys will be conducted for each broad topic to solicit additional community feedback.
  • Workshops in Local Communities. A series of in-person and virtual meetings will be conducted within various unincorporated communities. The Community Engagement Plan will identify the communities for these local workshops.
  • Focus Groups with Underserved Communities: Focus group discussions with underserved communities will investigate their specific needs and issues for General Plan Sonoma to address. These communities may include and overlap with Environmental Justice Communities identified as part of the Environmental Justice Element planning process. The General Plan project team will partner with local community-based organizations to connect and engage with these underserved communities.
  • Community/Municipal Advisory Council Meetings: These meetings provide a local forum where residents can attend meetings in their community and talk about issues that are important to them. The General Plan project team will supplement community input from local workshops with meetings with established Community and Municipal Advisory Councils.
  • Informal Engagement. The General Plan project team will connect with community members through a variety of informal activities, such as pop-up events, community and small-group meetings, and neighborhood chats.
  • Community-Wide Survey. Near the end of the outreach and engagement process, a statistically valid community-wide survey of county residents will be conducted to confirm the set of focused topics for General Plan Sonoma.

General Plan Scope Report

The General Plan Scope Report will present the findings of the General Plan 2020 audit and community engagement to complete the Community Vision Phase of the update (phase 1). This report will provide recommendations for Phase 2, including recommendations for continued outreach and engagement, recommended changes to the General Plan, and key policy issues that should be the focus of the Policy Development work (Phase 2).

Project Schedule

The Community Vision Phase of General Plan Sonoma kicked off in June 2024. The initial tasks are to prepare the General Plan Audit and Community Engagement Plan, which will happen between July 2024 and January 2025. Community engagement will occur between January and May 2025, followed by the preparation of the General Plan Scope report and the conclusion of Phase 1 in August 2025.

image showing a timeline for planning including June 2024 kickoff, july - november draft audit and engagement plan, october 15 2024 Board of supervisors meeting finalize in december 2025 with a planning agency meeting. Then In 2025 January - May will have workshops, online surveys and focus groups, April - June will have community and municipal advisory council meetings, and June - August will have the general plan scop report and the final phase one board of supervisors meetings.

Community Engagement Activities

Community input is critical to the General Plan Update process. We will be hosting various engagement activities including workshops, surveys, focus groups, events, advisory body meetings, and a community-wide survey. We will regularly update this info with future workshops and engagement opportunities, so check back often and sign up for our email updates.

Please join us at an upcoming Community Workshop! 

Family-friendly activities, Spanish translation, and food will be provided. Registration not required.

  • Wednesday, January 29th, 6 – 8 PM | Sonoma Valley High School | Library
  • Thursday, January 30th, 6 – 8 PM | Forestville Community Library
  • Monday, February 3rd, 6 – 8 PM | Healdsburg Community Center
  • Tuesday, February 4th, 6 – 8 PM | Penngrove Elementary | Multipurpose Room

Registration is required for the Zoom link.

  • Thursday, January 23rd, 6 – 8 PM | Recording
  • Wednesday, February 19th, 12 – 2 PM | Virtual via Zoom

Take our General Plan Sonoma Vision Survey!
Tell us your vision for Sonoma County's future! Take our survey and tell us your priorities for the General Plan. Your responses will help to identify a shared vision for the future of Sonoma County, which will guide the General Plan Update. The survey takes approximately 10 to 15 minutes to complete and is available in both English and Spanish. You can select which language you prefer in the survey.

Learn more about our Community Engagement Plan.

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the General Plan Update: 

The General Plan is the document that provides the policy framework for growth, conservation, and community life in unincorporated Sonoma County. A General Plan is often described as the “constitution” that guides the long-term development of a city or county. It establishes a vision for the future, as well as the policies and implementation programs that will help the community achieve that vision. At a minimum, it must address the eight topics required under State law: land use, circulation and mobility, housing, conservation, open space, noise, safety, and environmental justice. It is the foundation on which all land use and regulatory decisions affecting the unincorporated county are made.

Sonoma County has set up General Plan Sonoma as a two-phase process. The initial Community Vision Phase will also include auditing the General Plan 2020 and engaging the community to identify and understand key issues, opportunities, challenges, and changes that should be addressed in the update to reflect the current and future conditions of Sonoma County. This will result in the creation of a detailed plan for the second and final phase of General Plan Sonoma.

Every city and county in California must adopt a General Plan per State law. The State Office of Planning and Research (OPR) guidance states that General Plans have traditionally covered a 15- to 20-year timeframe. Most experts agree that General Plans should be updated every 10 years to account for the 15- to 20-year planning horizon. The "planning horizon" is not an end date but refers to the timeframe within which a jurisdiction makes short-term planning decisions and develops strategies. Some cities and counties update their General Plans as often as every 5 years, while others update in portions over time. The Housing Element is the only portion of the General Plan that is on a mandated update schedule - 4, 5, or 8 years, as listed by the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD).The County last updated its General Plan as a whole in 2008. General Plan Sonoma will provide an opportunity for the community to review the current policies and make changes that will guide Sonoma County through the next 20 years. Furthermore, the County will need to incorporate new information and policy guidance to remain compliant with current State law.

The General Plan determines how and where future growth and development may occur and how growth will be managed to protect the quality of life in the county. It also serves as the foundation for zoning requirements, which specify how you can use your property and how your neighbors and others can use their properties. Moreover, the General Plan specifies how the County will make decisions about important issues that affect all of us! Things like traffic, jobs, housing, environmental quality, natural disasters, and public services and guides policymakers and staff on how to prioritize improvements and investments related to these issues. Other specific ways that the General Plan could affect you are:

• How easy it is to get to your job and services
• Where housing, businesses, schools, and other land uses are located in your community
• The number and quality of parks available to you
• How the transportation system is improved to meet the needs of your community
• The risks to you and your property from hazards • How cultural and natural resources around you are protected

We encourage you to get involved so the General Plan will reflect your ideas and vision for Sonoma County’s future.

General Plan Sonoma is an opportunity for community members to weigh in on Sonoma County’s future. There will be many ways to participate, including community workshops and events, online engagement and surveys, and public hearings. Please join our mailing list to receive updates about upcoming events.

The General Plan will reflect the community’s vision and priorities and your voice is crucial to produce a Plan that creates a shared vision for the County’s future. When you participate in the process through a workshop discussion, survey, online activity, or comment at a public hearing, your comment will be documented and compiled as part of a summary from that event. County staff will look to that input for guidance when drafting the General Plan, and we will share that input with decision-makers, like the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors, for consideration when we ask for their direction at key milestones.

Under the direction of the Board of Supervisors and in partnership with PlaceWorks, General Plan Sonoma is being led by staff from Permit Sonoma.

The Community Vision Phase of General Plan Sonoma is expected to be completed in 2025. At that time, a schedule for Policy Development Phase will be available. Preliminarily, the County expects it will take several years to complete the update and adopt the new General Plan.

Contact Us

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Please contact us at with  any questions or concerns related to General Plan Sonoma.

Project Team

  • Haleigh Frye, Project Manager
  • Doug Bush, Outreach Lead
  • Ross Markey, Comprehensive Planning Manager