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Equity Working Committee

The Equity Working Committee (EWC) will help shape Permit Sonoma and Sonoma County’s environmental justice policies and risk reduction planning for wildfire and other hazards by centering the expertise of under-resourced communities.

What is the purpose of the Equity Working Committee? 

When performed an equity lens, land use planning can help improve the health, quality of life, and resilience of communities. Permit Sonoma recognizes that we need to do more to make our planning processes truly inclusive and better serve under-resourced communities. That is why Permit Sonoma is convening its first Equity Working Committee. 

The Equity Working Committee will help Permit Sonoma integrate the experiences of low-income residents, communities of color, communities experiencing disproportionate poor health outcomes, and people with disabilities to improve our policy making, planning, and public participation programs.  The EWC will advise Permit Sonoma in key policy objectives such as the Environmental Justice and Safety Elements updates to the General Plan.   

The Environmental Justice and Safety Element updates to the General Plan will develop goals and policies to protect the public from unreasonable hazard risks and to prioritize the needs of environmentally burdened and under-resourced communities. Together these efforts are critical to advancing public health, resilience, and climate adaptation, and making sure that everyone gets to access environmental benefits like clean air and parks.  

The EWC will also assist in identifying ways to improve community engagement with our fire prevention grant programs.  

Who are members of the Equity Working Committee? 

More than 125 people applied to participate in the Equity Working Committee. Permit Sonoma announced the following members of the committee:



Membership Role

Esther Lemus

Moorland Neighborhood Action Team

Disadvantaged Community member: Census Tract 6097153200 (unincorporated southwest Santa Rosa)

Eddie Estrada

Social Worker

Disadvantaged Community member: Census Tract 6097153200 (unincorporated southwest Santa Rosa)

Fred Allebach

Sonoma Valley Housing Group,

District 1

Zahyra Garcia

Petaluma Pride Board of Directors

Member at large

Evette Minor

United Womens Group; Sonoma County Black Forum

District 3

Dr. Morgan Marchbanks

Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation

District 4

Alina Matutes Haigler

FireSafe Guerneville, President

District 5

Mario Castillo

North Bay Organizing Project

Non-profit/Community-based organization

Kendall Jarvis

Legal Aid of Sonoma County

Non-profit/Community-based organization

Thalia Becerril

Graton Day Labor Center

Non-profit/Community-based organization

Alma Shaw

Sonoma Ecology Center

Non-profit/Community-based organization

Herman J. Hernandez

Los Cien

Non-profit/Community-based organization

Greg Sitter

Conservation Corps North Bay

Non-profit/Community-based organization

Jeanette Pantoja

Sonoma COAD

Non-profit/Community-based organization

Collin Thoma

Disability Services and Legal Center

Representative of persons with disabilities

Madonna Feather-Cruz

Graton Rancheria

Tribal member

Reynalda Cruz


Youth member at large

Ramon F. Meraz

Generation Housing

Member at large

Paulina López

Sonoma County Human Rights Commission; North Bay Jobs with Justice; Sunrise Movement

Member at large

What is the commitment for participation on the Equity Working Committee? 

We hope to have one 90-minute meeting a month for the next year. Participants will be requested to miss no more than 2 meetings, read meeting materials, and to actively engage with other Equity Working Committee members and Permit Sonoma staff.

Is there a stipend for members of the EWC? 

A $200 stipend will be available to ensure that more members of the community are able to participate.

How do I apply to be a member?

The application period is currently closed and members of the Equity Working Committee are listed above

Where are State-designated disadvantaged communities? 

For a map of State-designated disadvantaged communities, please visit the California Environmental Protection Agency website. Below is the map for the Santa Rosa designated census track. The other two areas are tribal areas. 

Map of the State-Designated Disadvantaged Communities in Sonoma County