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Actions for July 09, 2020

Permit and Resource Management Department Banner 750

Roll Call
Richard Fogg
Paula Cook
Cameron Mauritson
John Lowry
Todd Tamura, Chair

Staff Members

    Board Of Zoning Adjustments Regular Calendar

    Item Number: 1
    Time:1:20 PM
    File Number: UPE19-0062
    Applicant: Epic Wireless Group, dba AT&T Mobility LLC
    Owner: Elizabeth Blanchard Hanlein Trust, et al
    Continued from: N/A
    Staff: Marina Herrera
    Env Doc:

    Categorical Exemption, Section 15303, New Construction of a Small Structure


    Request for a Use Permit for a Major Freestanding Commercial Telecommunications Facility, including a 135-foot high faux tree monopole (mono-pine), associated ground equipment cabinet, and a 30KW generator with 190-gallon diesel fuel tank for the purpose of backup emergency power, located within a 900 square foot lease area, enclosed by a six foot high fence on a 311 acre parcel.


    5651 Bohemian Hwy., Camp Meeker



    District: 5

    Split Zoned: Land Extensive Agriculture (LEA – 120 acre density) Resources and Rural Development (RRD – 120 acre density) Accessory Dwelling Unit Exclusionary Zone (Z) Biotic Habitat (BH) Riparian Corridor (RC50/50, 50 foot setback) Scenic Resource (SR – Scenic Corridor)

    Action: Commissioner Lowry motioned to approve the project as recommended. Seconded by Commissioner Mauritsonand approved with a 5-0-0 vote.
    Appeal Deadline:10 days
    Resolution No:20-007


    Commissioner Fogg: Aye
    Commissioner Cook: Aye
    Commissioner Mauritson: Aye
    Commissioner Lowry: Aye
    Commissioner Tamura: Aye

    Ayes: 5
    Noes: 0
    Absent: 0
    Abstain: 0

    Item Number: 2
    Time:1:45 PM
    File Number: UPE16-0086
    Applicant: Kevin Skiles
    Owner: Solstice, LLC
    Continued from: N/A
    Staff: Tricia Stevens
    Env Doc:

    Mitigated Negative Declaration(MND)


    Use Permit and Design Review for a lodging, recreation and event facility


    3890 Old Redwood Hwy, Santa Rosa



    District: 4

    Resource and Rural Development, 20-acre density (RRD 20), Riparian Corridor (RC), Scenic Resource (SR), and Valley Oak Habitat (VOH)

    Action: Straw vote only, Commissioner Mauritson motioned with direction to Staff to bring back a modified resolution with findings for denial. Seconded by Commissioner Fogg and approved with a 4-0-1 vote.
    Appeal Deadline:N/A
    Resolution No:N/A


    Commissioner Fogg: Aye
    Commissioner Cook: Absent
    Commissioner Mauritson: Aye
    Commissioner Lowry: Aye
    Commissioner Cook: Aye

    Ayes: 4
    Noes: 0
    Absent: 1
    Abstain: 0