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Local Coastal Plan Public Workshop - Coastal MAC: Timber Cove

Date: January 15, 2020

Time: 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Timber Cove Inn
21780North Coast Highway 1
Jenner, CA 95450

Registration Required: No

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View Notice of Public Workshops

Public Workshop Flyer (PDF: 151 kB)

Notice of Public Workshops

Permit Sonoma invites you to attend and provide input at the upcoming public workshops on the Public Review Draft of the Sonoma County Local Coastal Plan.

The public outreach program for the Public Review Draft of the Local Coastal Plan has been revised following the Kincade Fire, evacuations, and extended power and gas outages. Public workshops on the Public Review Draft now extend into 2020.

The Draft was prepared based on public and agency input on the Preliminary Draft in 2015. The workshops will introduce the Public Review Draft, solicit input, and identify the process and future public input opportunities.

Public Workshop Details

What Happens Next?

  1. The workshop series and public comments will be used to identify, recommend, and incorporate changes to the draft Local Coastal Plan prior to the first public hearing by the Planning Commission in 2020.
  2. The Planning Commission, Board of Supervisors and California Coastal Commission hearings are all opportunities for public comment and will be scheduled and noticed at a later date
  3. The Project is expected to be complete in fall 2020.

Public Review Draft

Electronic Copy

The Public Review Draft, including individual chapters, figures, appendices or the entire document are available for download.
View Electronic Copy of the Draft

Printed Copies

Printed copies of the Draft are available for your review at Permit Sonoma, at Sonoma County Libraries, and at the other public locations.
View List of Locations

Project Website

More Information and Contact Us

If you would like more information, assistance locating the nearest hardcopy, or if you are unable to attend the workshops and would like to submit input please contact Cecily Condon, Planner III:


Phone: (707) 565-1958

In Person: Sonoma County Permit and Resource Management Department, 2550 Ventura Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 95403.


Workshop Agenda

  1. Welcome
  2. Staff Presentation (30 Minutes)
    1. Project timeline and process
    2. What is a Local Coastal Plan?
    3. Purpose of the Local Coastal Plan Update
    4. 2015 Preliminary Draft – Review
  3. Public Review Draft
  4. Public Comment/Questions (60 Minutes)
  5. Closing Statements (10 Minutes)
    1. Recap and next steps