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Background and Purpose

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The Airport Industrial Area Specific Plan was originally adopted in 1984, and most recently amended in 2009. The County received a grant from the Sonoma County Transportation Authority with funds from the One Bay Area Grant to update the Specific Plan. This updated plan will reflect changes in existing land use and current planning, climate adaptation, health policy goals, and address changes in traffic patterns including the airport and the newly built SMART platform.

Project Location

The project area includes an adopted Employment Investment Area (Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) place type, totaling 591.69 acres. Reports from the US Census Local Employment Dynamics website indicate that in 2010 there were approximately 5,000 jobs within this area – primarily office, industrial, manufacturing, public facilities, institutional, food and wine processing, and warehousing, with some accessory retail, food, and entertainment uses. The area contains 150-200 acres of vacant or underdeveloped land with appropriate zoning for increased business and industrial development. The area as a whole has the potential to provide 12,000 jobs by 2040.


The Airport Area Specific Plan will build upon the foundation set by the existing Airport Industrial Area Specific Plan to develop an updated plan that supports a balanced and inclusive land use, urban design, and circulation pattern. The project will determine existing conditions, opportunities, and constraints and establish a vision for development based on a collaborative planning process. The resulting plan will be a comprehensive product that addresses land use, circulation, design standards, infrastructure planning, and implementation strategies to guide the growth within the Specific Plan area.

Specific Plan Goals

Through consultation with community members, stakeholders, Sonoma County staff, technical teams, and the Advisory Team, the following goals have been identified for the Airport Area Specific Plan:

  • Preserve industrial land uses while providing flexibility for other compatible development.
  • Provide a Specific Plan that is consistent with state law, the adopted development policies of the Sonoma County General Plan 2020, Sonoma County Comprehensive Airport Land Use Plan and that recognizes the adopted Airport Master Plan, and Town of Windsor General Plan.
  • Support the Sonoma County Airport and its future growth by ensuring long term compatibility between land uses and the airport, and by improving and managing safe access to the airport.
  • Recognize the Specific Plan area’s economic importance to the county and region and expand employment opportunities while providing for a mix of uses for employees and surrounding residents.
  • Provide a set of development and design standards that ensure compatibility between land uses in the plan area, improve the visual character of buildings and streets, and minimize nuisances to businesses and residents.
  • Protect sensitive uses, such as residential neighborhoods, open spaces, and Community Separators, from nuisances and incompatible development.
  • Provide a feasible land development and capital improvement plan, which supports the County’s financial goals and accommodates growth in the Specific Plan in accordance with the availability of public services.
  • Improve the circulation network within the Specific Plan for all modes of transportation, increase connectivity to surrounding neighborhoods, and ensure that freight traffic can safely and efficiently navigate to and from businesses within the Specific Plan area.
  • Accommodate affordable and workforce housing opportunities within the Specific Plan area while maintaining the long-term viability of industrial and commercial activities.