Planning Commission Meeting
Date: April 04, 2024
Time: 1:00 p.m.
Webinar Information
Members of the public can watch or listen to the meeting by calling in or by using the Zoom application:
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In-Person Meeting Information
Members of the public can attend in person at:
Board of Supervisors Chambers575 Administration Drive, Room 102A
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Registration Required: No
- 20240404-PC-Meeting-Agenda (PDF: 485 kB)
The Planning Commission conducts public hearings and makes decisions on applications for subdivisions, mining permits, and legislative policy matters such the General Plan, Specific Plans, and Zoning changes.
The Planning Commission meets the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month (and as needed).
Roll Call
Commissioner Carr, District 1
Commissioner Reed, District 2
Commissioner Wiig, District 3
Commissioner Marquez, District 5
Commissioner McCaffery, Chair, District 4
Staff Members
Emi Thériault, Deputy Director of Planning
Robert Aguero, Environmental Specialist
Doug Bush, Planner III
Stacie Groll, Administrative Assistant
Jennifer Klein, Chief Deputy County Counsel
Disability Accommodation
If you have a disability which requires an accommodation or an alternative format to assist you in observing and commenting on this meeting, please call (707) 565-6186 or email at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting to make arrangements.
Available digitally through the link in the Agenda and on the Planning Commission website. You can also email or the project planner to request materials.
1:00 PM Call to order, Roll Call and Pledge of Allegiance.
Board of Zoning Adjustments/Board of Supervisors Actions
Commissioner Announcements
Public Appearances for Non-Agenda Items
Items scheduled on the Agenda
Planning Commission Regular Calendar
View documents for all items listed digitally »
Item No.: |
1 |
Time: |
1:05 PM |
File: |
ZPE21-0180 |
Applicant: |
Scott Butler, RPF |
Owner: |
Nils Welin |
Appellant: |
Peter Compton, Steve Schaeffer, Massini Mutual Water Company |
Cont. from: |
N/A |
Staff: |
Robert Aguero |
Env. Doc: |
N/A |
Proposal: |
Appeal of Zoning Permit approval for a minor timberland conversion for new 2.99 acre vineyard on a 10.15 acre parcel. The proposed conversion would allow for vineyard development in an area designated timberland which was previously logged under a CALFIRE emergency permit after the 2017 Tubbs Fire. No additional trees are proposed to be removed as a part of this permit application. |
Recommended Action: |
The Permit Resource and Management Department (Permit Sonoma) recommends that the Planning Commission (PC) adopt a resolution denying the appeal and upholding staff’s administrative approval of the Zoning Permit for a minor timberland conversion for 2.99 acres at 2470 Mark West Springs Road, Santa Rosa, CA. |
Location: |
2470 Mark West Springs Rd., Santa Rosa |
APN: |
079-110-033 |
District: |
One |
Zoning: |
Rural Residential with 20-acre dwelling density (RR B6 20) |
Action: |
Appeal Deadline: |
Resolution No.: |
24-0_ |
Commissioner Carr:
Commissioner Reed:
Commissioner Wiig:
Commissioner Marquez:
Commissioner McCaffery:
Item No.: |
2 |
Time: |
1:20 PM |
File: |
PLP18-0013 |
Applicant: |
Casey McDonald, Adobe Associates Inc. |
Owner: |
KS Matson Partners, LP |
Cont. from: |
N/A |
Staff: |
Doug Bush |
Env. Doc: |
The Board of Supervisors, in their November 17, 2020 approval, approved a mitigated negative declaration for the project. |
Proposal: |
The applicant requests an extension of the major subdivision recording deadline to November 17, 2024. |
Recommended Action: |
The Permit Resource and Management Department (Permit Sonoma) recommends that the Planning Commission approve the request for a time extension to record the final subdivision map. |
Location: |
18201, 18271, 18275, 18279 & 18285 Highway 12; 30, 320 Arroyo Road; 12, 14, 15, 16 Calle Del Monte |
APN: |
056-415-016, -017, -018, -020 |
District: |
One |
Zoning: |
PC (Planned Community), Local Guidelines Springs (LG/SPR), and Scenic Resources (SR) |
Action: |
Appeal Deadline: |
Resolution No.: |
24-0_ |
Commissioner Carr:
Commissioner Reed:
Commissioner Wiig:
Commissioner Marquez:
Commissioner McCaffery:
Permit Sonoma Hearing Waiver Calendar
This calendar serves only to notify the public of hearing waiver projects. The projects listed below are not on the current agenda.
File: |
UPC17-0044 |
Project Name: |
Spring Creek Farm |
Applicant: |
Spring Creek Farm; Howard Kronberg |
Staff: |
Haleigh Frye |
Location: |
21510 Fort Ross Rd., Cazadero |
APN: |
107-140-007 |
Project Description: |
Request for a five-year limited-term Conditional Use Permit for a commercial cannabis cultivation operation consisting of up to 2,500 square feet of mixed light cultivation and 2,500 square feet of outdoor cultivation in addition to accessory propagation and ancillary processing of cannabis grown onsite, as well as self-distribution on a 31.70-acre parcel zoned RRD located at 21510 Fort Ross Rd., Cazadero. Hours of operation would typically be 8:00 am to 5:00 pm during daylight hours. Deliveries and shipping would be limited to 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. The operation would employe two (2) full time employees and two (2) part time seasonal employees. No public access or retail sales are permitted. The applicant has been authorized to operate under Code Enforcements Temporary Penalty Relief Program since 2017 and is requesting to legalize their existing cannabis operation via permit. |
Last Day for Public Comment: |
April 8, 2024 |
File: |
UPC23-0003 |
Project Name: |
Luma California LLC., Commercial Cannabis Cultivation |
Applicant: |
Luma California LLC., Alexa Wall |
Staff: |
Haleigh Frye |
Location: |
2275 Roberts Road, Penngrove |
APN: |
047-122-025 |
Project Description: |
Use Permit Modification (UPC17-0090) for a revision to an existing commercial cannabis cultivation operation to expand outdoor cultivation canopy from the currently authorized 10,000 square feet to up to 43,560 square feet (one acre) in addition to allowing self-distribution (to another licensed premises) indoor and mixed light accessory propagation (for onsite use only). The revision eliminates a combined total of 15,000 square feet of mixed light and indoor cultivation and the originally proposed 33,500 square feet of associated new structural development. Cultivation will remain within the original 2-acre fenced premises. Staffing will be reduced to a maximum of three (3) full-time employees, four (4) part-time employees, and contracted seasonal staff for harvest. All other components of the operation will continue as currently permitted under UPC17-0090. Presently, the applicant has received Phase 1 approval, allowing for 10,000 square feet of outdoor cultivation, outdoor accessory propagation, and onsite ancillary processing. |
Last Day for Public Comment: |
April 8, 2024 |
File: |
UPE23-0036 |
Project Name: |
Lower Green Valley Creek Off-Channel Habitat Enhancement Project |
Applicant: |
Gold Ridge RCD, John Green |
Staff: |
Robert Aguero, Senior Environmental Specialist |
Location: |
Iron Horse Vineyards, 9786 Ross Station Road, Sebastopol |
APN: |
084-190-001, 084-190-002 |
Project Description: |
Request for a Use Permit for construction of an integrated suite of habitat enhancement elements that will significantly increase off-channel rearing and high-flow refugia habitat for salmonids in lower Green Valley Creek. The project will create 3 acres of low velocity and depth rearing habitat during frequent winter storm inundation periods. The project also includes road treatments and culvert upgrades on the Iron Horse Vineyards access road, which crosses the floodplain and Green Valley Creek. |
Last Day for Public Comment: |
April 8, 2024 |
Public Appearances for Non-Agenda Items
Shortly after the hearing begins, the PC invites public participation regarding the affairs of the County. Any person desiring to speak on any matter which is not scheduled on this agenda may do so. Comments may be limited to three minutes, or as imposed at the discretion of the Chair. Under State Law, matters presented during public appearances cannot be discussed or acted upon by the PC commissioners.
Public Appearances for Agenda Items
PC hearings begin at 1:00 PM and are recorded. Agenda items begin on or after the time stated on the agenda. After a county staff project presentation and commission questions, the public hearing is then opened. The applicant may then give a 10-minute project presentation followed by public comments. The time limit for public comments is at the Chair’s discretion and is typically three minutes per speaker. Please state your name for the record when you are called upon. Questions raised by the public may be answered after all public comments are given. The Commission may request staff or the applicant to answer questions, and the applicant is given the opportunity to respond to any public comments. The public hearing is then closed, and no further public comments are received. The commissioners discuss the project and make a decision by motion and roll call vote.
Pursuant to Government Code section 84308, members of the Planning Agency, Planning Commission, or Board of Zoning Adjustments (collectively “Planning Agency”) are disqualified and not able to participate in any agenda item involving contracts (other than competitively bid, labor, or personal employment contracts), franchises, discretionary land use permits and other entitlements if the member of the Planning Agency received more than $250 in campaign contributions from the applicant or contractor, an agent of the applicant or contractor, or any financially interested participant who actively supports or opposes the County’s decision on the agenda item since January 1, 2023. Members of the Planning Agency who have received, and applicants, contractors or their agents who have made, campaign contributions totaling more than $250 to a member of the Planning Agency since January 1, 2023, are required to disclose that fact for the official record of the subject proceeding. Disclosures must include the amount of the campaign contribution and identify the recipient Planning Agency member and may be made either in writing to the Clerk for the Planning Agency, Planning Commission, or Board of Zoning Adjustments, as the case may be, prior to the subject hearing or by verbal disclosure at the time of the hearing.
Hearing Waiver Calendar
The hearing waiver calendar lists projects proposed for public hearing waivers for informational purposes only. The listed items are not scheduled on the current or uncontested calendars. For more information on the hearing waiver item, contact the planner assigned to the project or fill out a ‘Request for Information’ card.
Public Comments
Please follow the instructions below to submit a Public Comment in writing, email or in person via the hearing room. The PC invites interested persons to submit comments which are entered into the permanent record. Written comments received prior to and during the hearing are distributed to the commissioners, staff, and are available to the public via the public copies link in the calendar section of this agenda. Written comments received after the package is made public may be read into the record.
Mail Public Comments
Address letters to: Permit Sonoma, 2550 Ventura Avenue, Attn: Planning Agency Secretary, Santa Rosa, CA 95403 and include the project number. This is not the location of the hearing.
Email Public Comments
Email comments to: Please provide your name and the project number. It is advised to email comments (no later than the day before) prior to the hearing date to give commissioners and staff review time.
Speaking In-Person on an Agenda Item
If you wish to speak on an item which appears on this agenda, please fill out a speaker card and drop it in the box near the staff table. You will be called by the Chair in the order received. Your name, will be announced when it’s your turn to speak (1 public comment is allowed per person). The meetings are recorded and all in person testimony must be given through the microphone. Please state your name upon approaching the microphone. Each person may speak only once and is usually granted 3 minutes. Time limits are at the discretion of the Chair. Questions raised by the public are to be directed to the Commission. At the end of the hearing, the Commission may ask staff or the applicant to respond to any questions raised during the hearing.
Comment on a Hearing Waiver Item
If you wish to comment on a hearing waiver item, submit your comment directly to the assigned planner prior to the “last day for public comment” date listed for each item.
Be Respectful and Courteous
Please Be Respectful of others and the varying points of view. No clapping, booing, or speaking out of turn.
Please Be Courteous turn off cell phones and pagers while the meeting is in session.