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Airport Safety Zones Charles M. Schulz – Sonoma County Airport

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Table  8C Land Use Compatibility Standards for Charles M. Schulz – Sonoma County Airport

Airport Safety Zones for all other County of Sonoma Airports

RPZ - Runway Protection Zone

Safety Zone 11

Maximum Population Density: 104
Maximum Residential Density in Units Per Acre:204
Minimum Amount of Useable Open Space:1090% of gross area

Land Use 3

  • Prohibit: All structures except for aeronautical equipment Assemblages of people
  • All residential land uses 5
  • Objects exceeding FAR Part 77 height limits Storage of hazardous materials, petroleum or explosives; above-grade power lines or other hazards to flight

ISZ - Inner Safety Zone

Safety Zone 11

Maximum Population Density: 1Uses in structures: 6 40 persons per acre  
Uses not in structures: 80 persons per acre
Maximum persons in a single acre: 120
Maximum Residential Density in Units Per Acre:21 dwelling unit per 10 acres
Minimum Amount of Useable Open Space:1030% of gross area

Land Use 3

  • Normally Allow: Agriculture; non-group recreational uses; low-hazard materials storage, warehouses; low-intensity light industrial uses; auto, aircraft, marine repair services
  • Limit: office buildings to single story; nonresidential uses to activities that attract few people
  • Avoid: All residential uses except as infill in developed areas; Multi-story uses; uses with high density or intensity;
  • Prohibit: Theaters, meeting halls concert halls, auditoriums, stadiums, arenas, group recreational uses and other public assembly uses; children’s schools, daycare centers, hospitals, and nursing homes; office buildings greater than three stories; shopping centers; restaurants; labor-intensive industrial uses; public utility and communication facilities; manufacture, storage, or distribution of explosives or flammable materials 7

ITZ - Inner Turning Zone

Safety Zone 11

Maximum Population Density: 1Uses in structures: 50 persons per acre
Uses not in structures: 100 persons per acre
Maximum persons in a single acre: 300


Maximum Residential Density in Units Per Acre:21 dwelling unit per 5 acres
Minimum Amount of Usable Open Space:1020% of gross area

Land Use 3

  • Normally Allow: Uses allowed in ISZ; greenhouses, low-hazard materials storage, mini- storage, warehouses; light industrial, vehicle repair services
  • Limit: Residential uses to density limit; office and other commercial uses to low intensities
  • Avoid: Commercial and other nonresidential uses having higher usage intensities; building with more than 3 floors; hazardous uses (e.g., above-ground bulk fuel storage)
  • Prohibit: Theaters, meeting halls concert halls, auditoriums, stadiums, arenas, group recreational uses and other public assembly uses; children’s schools, daycare centers, hospitals, and nursing homes; office buildings greater than three stories; shopping centers; restaurants; labor-intensive industrial uses; public utility and communication facilities; manufacture, storage, or distribution of explosives or flammable materials 7

OSZ 12 - Outer Safety Zone

Safety Zone 11

Maximum Population Density: 1Uses in structures: 100 persons per acre

Uses not in structures: 150 persons per acre

Maximum persons in a single acre:

OSZ-A: 300
OSZ-B: 450

Maximum Residential Density in Units Per Acre:2OSZ-A:
1 dwelling unit per 5 acres

1 dwelling unit per 2.5 acres

Minimum Amount of Usable Open Space:1020% of gross area

Land Use 3

  • Most low to moderate intensity uses are acceptable. Restrict assemblages of people.
  • Consider potential airspace protection hazards of energy/industrial projects
  • Normally Allow: Uses allowed in ITZ, Restaurants, retail, industrial
  • Limit: Residential uses to low density
  • Avoid: High-intensity retail or office buildings
  • Prohibit: Children’s schools, day care centers, hospitals, and nursing homes;
    Stadiums, group recreational uses, uses involving, as the primary activity, manufacture, storage, or distribution of explosives or flammable materials 7.

SSZ - Sideline Safety Zone

Safety Zone 11

Maximum Population Density: 1Uses in structures: 60 persons per acre
Uses not in structures: 120 persons per acre

Maximum persons in a single acre: 300

Maximum Residential Density in Units Per Acre:21 dwelling unit per acre
Minimum Amount of Useable Open Space:1030% of gross area

Land Use 3

  • Normally Allow: Uses allowed in OSZ (subject to height limitations for airspace protection) ; All common aviation-related activities provided that FAA height-limit criteria are met
  • Limit: Nonresidential uses same as Zone 3Avoid: Residential uses unless airport related (noise usually also a factor); high-intensity nonresidential uses Prohibit: Children’s schools, day care centers, hospitals, and nursing homes; auditoriums, stadiums, and group recreational uses; manufacture, storage, or distribution of explosives or flammable materials.

TPZ 12 - Traffic Pattern Zone

Safety Zone 11

Maximum Population Density: 1TPZ-A:
Uses in structures: 150 persons per acre
Uses not in structures: 200 persons per acre
Maximum persons in a single acre: 800

Uses in structures or outdoors: 300 persons per acre
Maximum persons in a single acre: 1,200
Maximum Residential Density in Units Per Acre:2TPZ-A: 5 dwelling units per acre  
TPZ-B: No Limit
Minimum Amount of Useable Open Space:1015% of gross area

Land Use 3

  • Normally Allow: Residential uses where noise and overflight impacts are low
  • Limit: large day care centers, hospitals and nursing homes
  • Avoid: Discourage schools auditoriums, amphitheaters stadiums and similar uses with very high intensities 8.
  • Discourage uses involving, as the primary activity, manufacture, storage, or distribution of explosives or flammable materials and bulk quantities of highly hazardous materials 8.
  • Prohibit: No prohibitions


  1. Refer to Subsection 8.4.1.b and Appendix D for the method for determining the Maximum Population Density for any proposed use.
  2. Maintain current zoning if density is less than the indicated maximum density for each zone. Refer to Subsection 8.4.1.b for the method for determining the Maximum Residential Density for any proposed use. Second Dwelling Units are not counted towards the density and are not restricted by this plan if such units are permitted under a local jurisdiction’s zoning code.
  3. The following summarizes the uses prohibited in all airport safety zones. Refer to Subsection for discussion of prohibited uses
    1. Any use which would direct a steady light or flashing light toward aircraft.
    2. Any use which would cause sunlight to be reflected toward an aircraft.
    3. Any use which would generate smoke or water vapor or which would attract large concentrations of birds, or which may affect safe air navigation within the area.
    4. Any use which would generate electrical interference detrimental to aircraft operation.
    Where used in this table, the following terms shall be interpreted and applied as follows:
    1. Normally Allow—Typical examples of the use are acceptable.
    2. Limit—Use is acceptable with limitations on density, intensity or size.
    3. Avoid—Use should be discouraged and generally should be permitted only if an alternative site outside the zone would not serve intended use.
    4. Prohibit—Use should not be permitted under any circumstances.
  4. No structures permitted in RPZ. Airport owned property.
  5. Significant obstructions include, but are not limited to, large trees, heavy fences and walls, tall and steep berms and retaining walls, non-frangible street light and sign standards, billboards.
  6. A structure includes fully enclosed buildings and other facilities involving fixed seating and enclosures limiting the mobility of people, such as stadiums, arenas, and amphitheaters.
  7. This does not apply to service stations if fuel storage tanks are installed underground.
  8. Refer to Subsection 8.6.5 addressing findings for land uses which are to be discouraged.
  9. Refer to Subsection 8.4.1.e addressing uses which are prohibited in all airport safety zones.
  10. Usable open space should be at least 300 feet long by 75 feet wide (about the size of a football field) to be considered useable. This is a minimum size presumes that tall objects do not exist along the approach to the site which would prevent an aircraft from reaching it. Open land sites should be relatively level and free of objects such as structures, overhead lines, and large trees and poles that can send the plane out of control at the last moment. Parking lots or recreation areas, while not ideal, may be considered as acceptable in urbanized settings.
  11. When a parcel is partially in one or more airport safety zones, apply the land use compatibility criteria and development standards designated for each zone only to that portion of the property within each designated zone.
  12. OSZ-A and OSZ-B and TPZ-A and TPZ-B as shown on CALUP Figure 8D and C4. TPZ-A includes all TPZ areas within 3,000 feet of a runway or outside of an urban service area; TPZ-B includes all TPZ areas beyond 3,000 feet from runway and within an urban service area.