Design Review Committee Meeting
Date: September 18, 2024
Time: 1:30 p.m.
Judge Gayle Gyunup / U.S. Rep. Douglas Bosco Conference Room
2604 Ventura Avenue
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Webinar Information
Members of the public can watch or listen to the meeting by calling in or by using the Zoom application:
- Zoom Webinar: Join Meeting >>
- Telephone: 1 (669) 444-9171
- Webinar ID: 929 6057 1368
- Password: 247724
Registration Required: No
The Design Review Committee (DRC) reviews and approves the design of significant new development projects, such as new commercial development. The Committee considers building and site design, architecture, colors, lighting, signs, landscaping and other design-related issues.
The Design Review Committee has three members appointed by the Director of PRMD. There is an architect, a landscape architect and one PRMD staff member. Design Review meetings are open to the public, and certain projects are reviewed at a noticed public hearing. Some decisions of the DRC can be appealed to the Planning Commission.
The Design Review Committee meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month (and as needed).
Committee Members
Wil Lyons, Chair
Derik Michaelson, Staff
Staff Members
Liz Goebel, Secretary
Jennifer Faso, Planning Staff
Hannah Spencer, Planning Staff
Disabled Accommodation
If you have a disability which requires an accommodation or an alternative format to assist you in observing and commenting on this meeting, please contact Design Review Committee at by 12:00 PM Tuesday, the day before the hearing to ensure arrangements for accommodation.
Available digitally through the link in the agenda and on the Design Review Committee website. You can also email or the project planner to request materials.
View documents digitally for all items listed »
1:30 p.m. Chair Introduction
County Regular Item
Item No: |
1 |
Time: |
1:35 p.m. |
File No.: |
DRH19-0006 |
Staff: |
Jennifer Faso |
Subject: |
Design Review Hearing |
Proposal: |
Request for final Design Review approval to allow a 89,856 square foot mini-storage unit facility on a 11.34 acre parcel. |
Applicant: |
Platinum Storage Group |
Location: |
1352 Hwy. 12, Sebastopol |
APN: |
063-011-017 |
District: |
5 |
Zoning: |
LC (Limited Commercial), RR (Rural Residential) B6 2 (2-acre density) SR (Scenic Resources) |
DRC Level: |
Final Review |
Public Hearing: |
Yes |
Last Review: |
July 19, 2023 (Preliminary); January 15, 2020 (Conceptual) |
Recommendation: |
Adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration and approve the final design plans and site improvements for the proposed 89,856 square foot mini-storage unit facility on a 11.34- acre parcel. |
CEQA Review: |
Mitigated Negative Declaration |
Item No: |
2 |
Time: |
At or after 1:50 PM |
File No.: |
UPE12-0031 |
Staff: |
Hannah Spencer |
Subject: |
Use Permit |
Proposal: |
Request for a Use Permit to allow construction and operation of a new commercial composting facility with a 9.43-acre concrete aerated composting pad capable of processing 185,000 tons of feedstocks per year. The Project includes a 9-acre agricultural products pad and new structures include an office with parking area, employee breakroom and restroom, storage building and mechanics workshop, two scales (one entrance and one exit scale), and an operations control center. The facility would operate with 15 – 20 employees, (7) days a week from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM with commercial deliveries limited between 6:00 AM and 3:00 PM. Water would be provided by an existing reservoir, City of Petaluma recycled water, and re-use of compost process water. An existing onsite domestic well would be used for employee drinking water and restrooms. A new 800-gallon septic tank and system would be installed to support on-site employees. The compost facility footprint would occupy 35.10-acres of a 156.76-acre parcel currently subject to a Land Conservation (Williamson Act) Contract. The Use Permit application includes a request for a full or partial immediate cancellation of the Williamson Act Contract |
Applicant: |
Allan Tose |
Location: |
2535 Stage Gulch Rd., Petaluma |
APN: |
068-040-015 |
District: |
2 |
Zoning: |
LEA B6 60 Z, RC50/25 SR VOH |
DRC Level: |
Concept |
Public Hearing: |
No |
Last Review: |
Not Applicable |
Recommendation: |
Recommend approval of the compost facility design, colors, materials, exterior lighting, parking and landscape plans to the Board of Zoning Adjustments. |
CEQA Review: |
Environmental Impact Report |
Public Comments
Please follow the instructions below to submit a public comment in writing, email, or in person via the hearing room. The DRC invites interested persons to submit comments which are entered into the permanent record. Written comments received prior to and during the hearing are distributed to the commissioners, staff, and are available to the public via the public copies link in the calendar section of this agenda. Written comments received after the package is made public may be read into the record.
Email Public Comment
You may email to submit public comment. Provide your name, the project number, and your comment. It is advised that you mail or email public comments in advance of the hearing date to give the commissioners and staff time to review. Emailed comments received during the hearing are distributed to the commissioners and staff but are not read out loud into the record. All public comments received prior to, during, and after the hearing are saved to the project file.
Written Public Comments
Submit letters prior to the hearing by mail addressed to:
Permit Sonoma
Attn: Design Review Committee Secretary
2550 Ventura Avenue
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Please make sure to reference the project number in your written comment.
Public Appearances for Agenda Items
DRC hearings begin at 1:30 p.m. and will be recorded. Agenda items begin on or after their designated time. After a county staff project presentation and committee questions, the public hearing is then opened. At that time, the applicant may give a 10-minute project presentation followed by public comments. The time limit for public comments is at the Chair’s discretion and is typically three minutes per speaker. Please state your name for the record when you are called upon. Questions raised by the public may be answered after all public comments are given. The Committee may request staff or the applicant to answer questions, and the applicant is given the opportunity to respond to any public comments. The public hearing is then closed, and no further public comments are received. The Committee will discuss the project and make a decision by motion and roll call vote.
Be Respectful
Please Be Respectful of others and the varying points of view. No clapping, booing, or speaking out of turn.
Be Courteous
Please Be Courteous by switching cell phones to silent while the meeting is in session.