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Conservation Sonoma

HCP/NCCP Overview

Sonoma County (County) has undergone rapid change in recent decades, as more people and businesses move to the region.  

Conservation Sonoma

Sonoma County is also home to many plant and animal species and their habitats that are listed as endangered or threatened under the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) and California Endangered Species Act (CESA).  Accommodating economic growth while protecting and enhancing listed species and other natural habitats is a goal required by local, state and federal laws and policies and requires foresight and good planning.

Since the 2008 adoption of its General Plan 2020, the County has implemented multiple policies to protect sensitive species and habitats in general (e.g., Open Space Element, Policy 7a through 7u), and the Santa Rosa Plain in particular (Policy 7q).  In 2019, the County Board of Supervisors directed Permit Sonoma to explore ways to streamline regulatory permitting within the County under state and federal endangered species laws through the development of a regional conservation plan.

As of 2024, the County of Sonoma Permit Sonoma, in collaboration with other interested local governments and agencies, has initiated the process of planning and developing a county-wide habitat conservation plan (HCP) under Section 10 of the ESA and a Natural Community Conservation Plan (NCCP) under California Fish & Game Code Section 2835 (NCCP Act).  This program to develop the Sonoma County HCP/NCCP (or Plan) is called “Conservation Sonoma”. Once developed and implemented, it will streamline regulatory permitting under state and federal endangered species laws while implementing an on-the-ground conservation strategy for some of the County’s most sensitive and unique plant and animal species and habitats.

Purpose and Goals

The goals of the Habitat Conservation & Natural Community Conservation Plans include the following:

  • Provide for the conservation and management of species covered by the Plan;
  • Preserve aquatic and terrestrial resources through conservation partnerships with the state and federal resource agencies;
  • Allow for appropriate and compatible growth and development that is consistent with applicable laws;
  • Provide a basis for permits necessary to lawfully take species covered by the Plan (covered species);
  • Provide a process for issuance of take authorizations for covered species that are not currently listed but that may be listed in the future without imposing additional mitigation requirements not provided in the approved Plan;
  • Provide a comprehensive means to coordinate and standardize mitigation and compensation requirements of state and federal endangered species acts, the NCCP Act, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and the federal National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA);
  • Provide a less costly, more efficient project review process which results in greater conservation values than project-by-project, species-by-species review; and
  • Provide clear expectations and regulatory predictability for persons undertaking activities covered by the Plan.

HCP/NCCP Development Process &Timeline

The following graphic illustrates the overall timing of key milestones and decision points during the development of a typical HCP/NCCP. Also illustrated are important components of the state and federal environmental review processes required for approval of an HCP/NCCP.  please contact for a detailed description of this image that depicts a complex governmental approval process

Community Engagement

Conservation Sonoma is committed to working with landowners, organizations, agencies, and other interested parties to develop the Sonoma County HCP/NCCP.  Community and agency involvement is critical to the development of a successful Plan.  Conservation Sonoma will convene broad-based planning groups, focused working groups, and provide other opportunities for focused engagement as needed to inform the HCP/NCCP.  Conservation Sonoma is currently working to develop and implement a communication and engagement plan to share information and solicit feedback from community members.

Check back often for updated plans, survey results, and announcements.

Exploring the Future of Conservation in Sonoma County

Engagement with Native American Tribes

Native American tribes are important to HCP/NCCP development, with a history on the landscape for many thousands of years.  Incorporating tribal knowledge and protecting tribal cultural resources will be a necessary part of the conservation planning process. Coordination and involvement with Native American tribes in the planning of habitat conservation plans is an opportunity to protect traditionally important natural resources and areas, including access to those areas, as well as a chance to integrate considerations for other resources of cultural significance. Native American tribes may also have expert knowledge relating to the goals, objectives, and outcomes of the Sonoma County HCP/NCCP. The process for engaging and connecting with Native American tribes may include discussions of information not appropriate to share with the general public. As a result, meetings with Native American tribes may be held separately from other public engagement efforts.  Note that this stage of tribal outreach and engagement does not replace or supercede formal tribal consultation required by state and federal environmental review laws (see below).

Public Advisory Committee

Conservation Sonoma will form a Public Advisory Committee with members representing diverse interests, as well as interested members of the public-at-large. This group will meet approximately quarterly (or more frequently as needed) and will serve as a forum to discuss and inform the development of the Plan. The Public Advisory Committee will review, consider, and comment upon the components of the Plan as they are developed, and also inform Plan development more broadly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about the Habitat Conservation and Natural Community Conservation Plans:

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