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Actions for June 25, 2020

Permit and Resource Management Department Banner 750

Roll Call
Todd Tamura
Dick Fogg
Cameron Mauritson
John Lowry
Paula Cook, Chair

Staff Members

    Board Of Zoning Adjustments Regular Calendar

    Item Number: 1
    Time:1:20 PM
    File Number: PLP20-0020
    Applicant: Milestone Housing Group, LLC
    Owner: Robert Sherwood & Greg Baker; Shashikant Singapuri
    Continued from: N/A
    Staff: Eduardo Hernandez
    Env Doc:

    Exempt under Section 15061(b)(3) and 15194(b)-(d)


    Application for Closure of a Mobile Home Park under Section 26-92-090


    171 Siesta Way, Sonoma



    District: 1

    R2 B6 10DU/AC (Medium Density Residential, 10 units per acre)

    Action: Commissioner Fogg motion to approve as recommended with modified conditions and revised findings. Seconded by Commissioner Lowry and passed with a 5-0-0 vote.
    Appeal Deadline:10 days
    Resolution No:20-004


    Commissioner Tamura: Aye
    Commissioner Fogg: Aye
    Commissioner Mauritson: Aye
    Commissioner Lowry: Aye
    Commissioner Cook: Aye

    Ayes: 5
    Noes: 0
    Absent: 0

    Item Number: 2
    Time:1:45 PM
    File Number: UPE16-0099
    Applicant: Myles McMonigle Myles
    Owner: William McMonigle and Constance Kopriva
    Continued from: N/A
    Staff: Marina Herrera
    Env Doc:

    Mitigated Negative Declaration


    Request for a Use Permit for a winery with an annual production capacity of 8,000 cases, an appointment only tasting room, and four agricultural promotional events per year on an 18.03 acre parcel.


    21301 Cassidy Ranch Road, Sonoma



    District: 1

    Diverse Agriculture (10 acre residential density) and combining zones for Floodway (F1), Floodplain (F2), Riparian Corridor (RC100/25), Valley Oak Habitat (VOH)

    Action: Commissioner Fogg motion to approve as recommended. Seconded by Commissioner Mauritson and passed with a 5-0-0 vote.
    Appeal Deadline:10 days
    Resolution No:20-005


    Commissioner Tamura: Aye
    Commissioner Fogg: Aye
    Commissioner Mauritson: Aye
    Commissioner Lowry: Aye
    Commissioner Cook: Aye

    Ayes: 5
    Noes: 0
    Absent: 0
    Abstain: 0

    Item Number: 3
    Time:2:30 PM
    File Number: UPE18-0090
    Applicant: David Matheson
    Owner: Escalante-Sonoma, LLC
    Continued from: N/A
    Staff: Crystal Acker
    Env Doc:

    Categorical Exemption: Section 15301 (Existing Facilities), as an existing golf club facility involving negligible expansion of use and no new construction.


    Request to revise the current Use Permit (PLP03-0076) membership allocation of 319 golf members to allow 225 additional members at the Sonoma Golf Club, consisting of 100 additional golf members and 125 new “club” members. Club memberships would allow access to all club amenities except the golf course, including dining, bocce ball, pool, and tennis court facilities. No physical changes to the existing golf club facility and no changes to operating hours or number of approved special events are requested.


    17700 Arnold Dr, Sonoma



    District: 1

    Recreation and Visitor Serving Commercial, Riparian Corridor 50-foot Development Setback, Scenic Resource – Arnold Drive Scenic Corridor (K RC50/25, SR)

    This Item Is Continued To A Date Uncertain And Will Be Renoticed 10 Days Prior To The Hearing