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Appendix B

Permit and Resource Management Department Banner 750

State & Federal Safe Routs to School Matrix

Criteria State-Legislated Program - SR2S Federal Program - SRTS
Legislative Authority Streets & Highways Code Section 2330-2334Section 1404 in Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU).
ExpiresAB 57 extends program indefinitelySAFETEA-LU Expired in September 30, 2009. Extended by H.R. 2918. Reauthorization expected early 2010.

Eligible Applicants

Cities and counties

State, local, and regional agencies experienced in meeting Federal transportation requirements. Non-profit organizations, school districts, public health departments, and native American tribes must partner with a city, county, metropolitan planning organization, or regional transportation planning agency to serve as the responsible agency for their project.
Eligible ProjectsInfrastructure projectsInfrastructure projects or non-infrastructure projects including education, outreach, data collection, planning, and purchase of safety- related equipment and materials.
Local Match 10% required None
Project Completion Deadline Within 4 State fiscal years (FY) after project funds are allocated. Within 4 Federal FYs after funds are obligated.
Location of Infrastructure Projects Must be located in the vicinity of a schoolInfrastructure projects must be within 2 miles of a grade school or middle school
Targeted Beneficiaries Children in grades K-12 Children in grades K-8