Septic Permit Type Flowchart
This flowchart outlines whether or not you need a septic permit, and if so, with which permit process you will need to proceed.
Do I need a septic permit? If so, which type?
Alternate Description of Flow Chart
Do I need a septic permit? If so, which type?
- Are you installing a new septic system?
- If yes, refer to the new permit flow chart.
- If no, continue to the next question.
- Are you installing a replacement septic system?
- If yes, refer to the new permit flow chart.
- If no, continue to the next question.
- Are you repairing a septic system?
- If yes, refer to the repair permit flow chart.
- If no, you are exempt from needing to have a permit.
- The process is now completed.
Additional Information
New Septic System
Complete System or System Components on undeveloped property.
- Replacement/Repair of Septic Tank.
- Replacement of more than 25% of Dispersal System.
- Replacement of Pretreatment Unit.
- Replacement of 25% or less of Dispersal System.
- Replacement/Repair of leach line, whole or segment,within existing trench.
- Replacement/Repair of dispersal chamber, whole or segment,within existing chamber trench.
- Repair of Pretreatment Unit
Permit Exempt
- Risers
- Sanitary Tees
- Effluent Filters
- Diversion Valves
- Distribution Box
- Sewer Line from House to Septic Tank
- Sewer Line from Tank to D-Box
- Solid Sewer Line Connecting D-Boxes
This flowchart outlines whether or not you need a septic permit, and if so, with which permit process you will need to proceed.