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For Immediate Release

Board of Supervisors to review 2023 Sonoma County Housing Element update at Tuesday meeting

August 16, 2023

The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors will consider adopting the 2023 Sonoma County Housing Element update at its Aug. 22, meeting. The Housing Element update includes policies and programs to encourage an adequate supply of housing for residents of all income levels and to further fair housing. The Housing Element also includes sites that will be rezoned to allow for greater housing density and pipeline projects intended to accommodate the county’s projected growth over the next eight years. The supervisors will also consider whether to certify an environmental impact report examining the potential impacts of sites proposed for accommodating additional housing. 

Under California law, the housing element is one of the seven mandated elements of a general plan and must be updated on a set schedule. A housing element, as required by state law, identifies policies and programs that will support the provision of an adequate housing supply for residents of all income levels. As part of the statewide Regional Housing Needs Allocation process, the Association of Bay Area Governments has assigned unincorporated Sonoma County an allocation of 3,824 new dwelling units, which the county must facilitate being built over the next eight years. 

If approved, the Sonoma County Housing Element will: 

  • Leverage the county’s Pro Housing designation in applications for competitive funding sources 
  • Expand opportunities for funding affordable housing including land trust, housing bonds, and incentives 
  • Enhance protections for residents against displacement, including protections for mobile home parks 
  • Increase intergovernmental coordination and cooperation on housing matters 
  • Increase housing choices and affordability in moderate and high opportunity areas 
  • Expands proactive community outreach, including meaningful participation with vulnerable groups for housing programs 

The policy development for the Housing Element update was the result of the most extensive public participation campaign for a Housing Element in Sonoma County history. The project engaged a diverse Housing Advisory Committee to guide policy development, convened 10 focus groups with equity priority populations, conducted surveys with more than 6,000 participants, held two public workshops, and had two public hearings with the Planning Commission.  

Members of the public who wish to submit comments in advance of the hearing may reach out to the project planner in writing or via email through Aug. 21. Emails to the project planner may be sent to  

Written comments may be mailed to Permit Sonoma Attn: Eric Gage, 2550 Ventura Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95403. All comments submitted to the project planner in advance of the hearing will be provided to the Board of Supervisors. 

Members of the public who wish to attend the meeting in person or virtually also may provide comment. The agenda will be posted at least 72 hours prior to the hearing date and provide instructions on how to participate during the meeting. The agenda will be published at:  

Members of the public seeking reasonable accommodations can contact the Project Planner Eric Gage at (707) 565-1391 with at least three business days’ notice.  

Media Contact
Bradley Dunn, Policy Manager 
2550 Ventura Ave. 
Santa Rosa, CA 95403 
(707) 321-0502 
