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Airport Safety Zones

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Table 8B Safety Zone Land Use Compatibility Standards for all Airports in Sonoma County except the Charles M. Schulz – Sonoma County Airport.

Airport Safety Zones for Charles M. Schulz – Sonoma County Airport

RPZ Runway Protection Zone

Maximum Population Density: 104
Maximum Residential Density in Units Per Acre:204
Minimum Amount of Usable Open Space:1090% of gross area

Land Use 3

No petroleum or explosives. No above-grade power-lines. No significant obstructions. 4, 5

ISZ - Inner Safety Zone

Maximum Population Density: 1Uses in structures:640 persons per acre
Uses not in structures: 80 persons per acre
Maximum Residential Density in Units Per Acre:21 dwelling unit per 5 acres
Minimum Amount of Usable Open Space:1030% of gross area
25% maximum structural coverage

Land Use 3

  • No shopping centers.
  • No eating establishments.
  • No meeting halls.
  • No office buildings over three stories.
  • No labor-intensive manufacturing plants.
  • No concert halls, auditoriums, theaters.
  • No stadiums, arenas.
  • No public utility stations, plants.
  • No public communications facilities.
  • No schools, hospitals, nursing homes.
  • No uses involving, as the primary activity, manufacture, storage, or distribution of explosives or flammable materials.7

ITZ - Inner Turning Zone

Maximum Population Density: 1Uses in structures: 50 persons per acre
Uses not in structures: 100 persons per acre
Maximum Residential Density in Units Per Acre:2 1 dwelling unit per 5 acres
Minimum Amount of Usable Open Space:1020% of gross area
30% maximum structural coverage.)

Land Use 3

  • Same as ISZ - Inner Safety Zone

OSZ - Outer Safety Zone

Maximum Population Density: 1Uses in structures: 100 persons per acre
Uses not in structures: 200 persons per acre
Maximum Residential Density in Units Per Acre:23 dwelling units per acre
Minimum Amount of Usable Open Space:1030% of gross area
35% maximum structural coverage

Land Use 3

  • No schools, hospitals, nursing homes.
  • No uses involving, as the primary activity, manufacture, storage, or distribution of explosives or flammable materials.

SSZ - Sideline Safety Zone

Maximum Population Density: 1Uses in structures: 60 persons per acre
Uses not in structures: 120 persons per acre
Maximum Residential Density in Units Per Acre:21 dwelling unit per acre
Minimum Amount of Useable Open Space:1030% of gross area
35% maximum structural coverage

Land Use 3

  • No schools, hospitals, nursing homes.
  • No uses involving, as the primary activity, manufacture, storage, or distribution of explosives or flammable materials.

TPZ - Traffic Pattern Zone

Maximum Population Density: 1Uses in structures: 150 persons per acre
Maximum Residential Density in Units Per Acre:24 dwelling units per acre
Minimum Amount of Useable Open Space:1015% of gross area

Land Use 3

  • Discourage schools, auditoriums, 8 amphitheaters, stadiums.
  • Discourage as the primary activity, manufacture, storage, or distribution of explosives or flammable materials.


  1. Refer to Subsection 8.4.1.b and Appendix D for methods for determining concentrations of people for any proposed nonresidential use.
  2. Maintain current zoning if density is less than indicated maximum density for each safety zone. Second Dwelling Units are not counted towards the allowable density and are not restricted by this plan if such units are permitted under a local jurisdiction’s zoning code.
  3. The following uses prohibited in all airport safety zones. Refer to Subsection 8.4.1.e.
    1. ny use which would direct a steady light or flashing light toward aircraft.
    2. Any use which would cause sunlight to be reflected toward an aircraft.
    3. Any use which would generate smoke or water vapor or which would attract large concentrations of birds, or which may affect safe air navigation within the area.
    4. Any use which would generate electrical interference detrimental to aircraft operation.
  4. No structures permitted in RPZ.
  5. Significant obstructions include, but are not limited to, large trees, heavy fences and walls, tall and steep berms and retaining walls, non-frangible street light and sign standards, billboards.
  6. A "structure” includes fully enclosed buildings and other facilities involving fixed seating and enclosures limiting the mobility of people, such as sports stadiums, outdoor arenas, and amphitheaters.
  7. This does not apply to service stations involving retail sale of motor vehicle fuel if fuel storage tanks are installed underground.
  8. See Subsection 8.6.5 for findings which must be made for uses to be avoided and discouraged