Frequently asked questions

Find an answer by searching for keywords, or choosing a relevant category or regulation.
Email if you don't find what you're looking for.
What is a certificate of occupancy?
What does my permit status in Accela mean?
My parcel is located within the F1 Floodway or the F2 Floodplain. What does that mean for my parcel? Can I appeal?
Why am I being charged for school fees if I don't have any children?
How Do I Request a Refund?
What is the difference between architectural drawings and structural drawings? Why do I need both?
What is the definition of density?
What is the definition of a bathroom?
What is an "attached" room or structure?
What is the definition of a tiny house?
What is a bedroom?
Can I build an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU)?
How do I schedule an inspection?
Can my review be expedited?
Can my project be processed over the counter?
What is the building code?
How do I draw plans?
If I am legalizing existing grading, why do I need a drainage report?
How do I get an additional address for my property?
I applied online for a permit, but was not directed to make a payment. What else do I have to do?
My permit has been approved by all divisions. What are my next steps?
How do I renew an expired permit?
Where can I get the permit card with all the inspections and their results?
I uploaded revised plans to my permit. When will it be re-reviewed?
How long will my permit take to be issued?
How can I get an extension on my permit?
I cannot schedule a final inspection via the website. What should I do?
I don't have the ability to select my contractor number in the application form to submit for a permit. What should I do?
How do I upload documents to respond to comments?
Where can I see my documents online for my permit?
How do I get a refund?
How do I create a revision on a permit?
What is the status of my permit?
Technical Corrections FAQ (PLP24-0013)
Can I operate a Microenterprise Home Kitchen Operation (aka MEHKO) in a Hosted Rental or Bed & Breakfast?
If my existing vacation rental license status is marked 'expired', will I need to apply for a new license?
What are setback requirements from public and private roads?
What permits are required for commercial cannabis cultivation?
Can a new large residential propane (LPG) tank be in the front setbacks?
How do endangered species, like the California Tiger Salamander, affect my application?
Can I designate an ADU as an affordable unit to defer required Affordable Housing fees while constructing my primary home?
What are "residential accessory" structures?
Can I build a guest house?
If I use a Hold/Pump and Haul contract to remove waste from my temporary Trailer, RV, Tiny Home Etc., do I need to save service receipts?
If I had an Agricultural Exempt structure that burned down in the fire, do I need a new permit to rebuild it?
How can I tell if my property is within Permit Sonoma's jurisdiction?
Where can I grow cannabis plants for personal use?
Does the County allow adult use (recreational) non-medical cannabis uses?
How many cannabis plants can I grow for personal use?
Am I required to have a permit for personal cultivation?