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For Immediate Release

Permit Sonoma to host Housing Element workshops February 12 and February 15

Santa Rosa,CA | February 09, 2022

Permit Sonoma will host two virtual Housing Element workshops on February 12 and 15 to solicit feedback from the community about housing needs and challenges. 


The public will be asked to share their experiences with housing in Sonoma County including identifying local amenities that make for good housing sites and identifying barriers to securing housing. Based on public feedback, Permit Sonoma will create policies and programs in the Housing Element report to address the challenges and opportunities highlighted during the workshops.


Residents and those who work in Sonoma County can register for either of the public workshops:



Per state law, every eight years the County must examine the policies, market conditions, and other factors  that contribute to a sufficient supply of housing  for everyone in the community, regardless of income. Under California law, the Housing Element is one of the seven mandated elements contained within the general plan. 


To learn more about the Housing Element please visit

