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For Immediate Release

Permit Sonoma announces review meetings for Sonoma County’s Community Wildfire Protection Plan

SANTA ROSA, CA | November 28, 2022

Permit Sonoma, Sonoma County’s fire prevention and natural resources management department, is inviting the public to attend one of two community meetings to learn more about and provide comments on the Community Wildfire Protection Plan or CWPP. The Community Wildfire Protection Plan contains hazard and risk analyses and, using a collaborative model, suggests projects that can efficiently reduce the risk of loss of life, property loss and environment.

Before Permit Sonoma submits the final draft of the Community Wildfire Protection Plan to the Board of Supervisors to vote on adoption, Permit Sonoma will host these two review meetings to provide residents an opportunity to learn about and provide comments on the draft plan. Virtual meetings will be held on:

The public is also encouraged to comment on the draft plan during the public comment period, which ends Dec. 4. The public can read the draft on the Community Wildfire Protection Plan project page and submit comments at the upcoming meetings or via email at

Defined in the United States Congress Healthy Forests Restoration Act (2003), the goal of the Community Wildfire Protection Plan is to enhance efforts to protect communities, watersheds and other at-risk lands from catastrophic wildfire. Permit Sonoma has worked with a diverse set of stakeholders during the creation of the Community Wildfire Protection Plan including a steering committee of fire prevention experts and community members.

Media Contact:
Bradley Dunn, Permit Sonoma Policy Manager 
(707) 321-0502
2550 Ventura Ave.
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
