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For Immediate Release

Sonoma County Local Coastal Plan Update Workshops

Santa Rosa,CA | October 14, 2019

Santa Rosa, CA  –  October 14, 2019  –  
Updated October 25, 2019 –
Updated November 1, 2019 –

In recognition of recent community events, including the evacuations related to the Kincade Fire and the extended power and gas outages, the public workshop series is being revised and extended into 2020. The first public workshop in the series will now be at The Sea Ranch.

Sonoma County Local Coastal Plan Update workshops on the Public Review Draft will be starting in November. The upcoming workshops locations, dates, and times are as follows:

  • The Sea Ranch, November 17, 2019 from 12:00 PM- 2:00 PM at the Del Mar Hall, 40600 Leeward Road, The Sea Ranch
  • Additional locations: To be determined.

The Public Review Draft of the Local Coastal Plan was prepared based on public and agency input on the Preliminary Draft released in 2015. The purpose of the Local Coastal Plan Update is to revise policies consistent with the most recent General Plan adopted by the Board of Supervisors. In addition, the purpose is to create a modern, up-to-date, web-accessible and easy-to-use document with digital maps. The update provides the opportunity to focus on new information, changed conditions, and policies in these key areas: sea level rise (year 2100 horizon), biotic resources, geologic hazards, water quality, and public access. Public participation is essential to the update and a diverse set of opportunities will be provided throughout the entire update process.

Supervisor Hopkins pointed out that “It is an ideal time for the community to get involved in the future of the Sonoma Coast by being involved with the Local Coastal Plan Update. I encourage our community to help continue our local legacy of protecting our beautiful coast and coastal communities by participating in upcoming outreach opportunities.”


Contact Information

Bradley Dunn
Policy Manager Permit Sonoma County of Sonoma
Work (707) 565-1900