Landmarks Commission Meeting
Date: October 01, 2024
Time: 3:00 p.m.
Registration Required: No
- 10.01.2024-LC-No-Meeting-Agenda (PDF: 253.6 kB)
The Landmarks Commission meeting on October 1, 2024 is canceled.
The Landmarks Commission designates historic landmarks, reviews development proposals involving historic properties, and administers an historic resources preservation program.
The Landmarks Commission meets the 1st Tuesday of each month (and as needed)
LC hearings begin at 3:00 PM and are recorded. Agenda items begin on or after the time stated on the agenda. County staff will give a presentation on the project followed by commissioner questions. A public hearing is then opened and the applicant gives a 10-minute project presentation followed by public comments. The time limit for public comments is at the Chair’s discretion and is typically 3 minutes per speaker. Please state your name for the record when you are called upon. Questions raised by the public may be answered after all public comments are given. The Commission may request staff or the applicant to answer questions, and the applicant is given the opportunity to respond to any public comments. The public hearing is then closed and no further public comments are received. The commissioners discuss the project and make a decision by motion and roll call vote.
Public Appearances for Non-Agenda Items
Shortly after the hearing begins, the LC invites public participation regarding the affairs of the County. Any person desiring to speak on any matter which is not scheduled on this agenda may do so. Comments may be limited to three minutes, or as imposed at the discretion of the Chair. Under State Law, matters presented during public appearances cannot be discussed or acted upon by the LC commissioners.
Public Comment
Prior to the Meeting
Email Public Comment: Submit an emailed public comment to the Design Review Committee please email Please provide your name, the agenda number(s) on which you wish to speak, and your comment. These comments will be emailed to all committee members and staff.
Written Public Comments: Submit letters prior to the hearing by mail addressed to: Permit Sonoma, 2550 Ventura Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 95403 and include the project number. Please note, due to the office closure under the Sonoma County Shelter in Place order, Permit Sonoma receives mail once a week leading to longer than usual processing times for mailed in items.
During the Meeting
Email Public Comment: Please email to submit public comment. Provide your name, the project number, and your comment. Please note, it is advised to mail or email public comments in advance of the hearing date to give the commissioners and staff time to review. Emailed comments received during the hearing are distributed to the commissioners and staff, but are not read out loud into the record. All public comments received prior to, during, and after the hearing are saved to the project file.
Public Comments Using Zoom
Comments are not accepted through Zoom at this time. If you wish to provide comments, please follow the instructions provided on this page for mail, email, or in-person comment.
Be Respectful
Please Be Respectful of others and the varying points of view. No clapping, booing, or speaking out of turn.
Be Courteous
Please Be Courteous turn off cell phones and pagers while the meeting is in session.