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For Immediate Release

County Shuts Down Largest Cannabis Operation to Date

Santa Rosa,CA | September 03, 2019

On August 28, County inspectors discovered approximately five properties in South Santa Rosa with non-permitted commercial cannabis cultivation. The majority of plants were located at two properties with mature cannabis plants interspersed with corn. One property had 2.5 acres of cannabis and the other had 3.3 acres. It is estimated that these properties, which are located in a tiger salamander habitat area, had approximately 26,650 and 35,685 plants respectively. The total plant count for all the inspected properties was approximately 63,241. Prior to these sites, the largest illegal cannabis cultivation shut down by the County was approximately 13,000 plants.  

Since January 2019, the County of Sonoma has responded to 195 complaints of unpermitted cannabis activities. Approximately 161,000 illegal cannabis plants have been abated. To report a possible cannabis violation, please call (707) 565-1992


Contact Information

Bradley Dunn
Policy Manager Permit Sonoma County of Sonoma
Work (707) 565-1900