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Final Steering Committee Ground Rules

Permit and Resource Management Department Banner 750

Adopted July 21, 2020


As the title suggests, the role of the Steering Committee is to guide the Sonoma County Planning Partners through the process of drafting a multijurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. This process will result in a plan that can be embraced both politically and by the constituency within the planning area. The Committee will provide guidance and leadership, oversee the planning process, and act as the point of contact for all partners and the various interest groups in the planning area. The makeup of this committee was selected to provide the best possible cross section of views to enhance the planning effort and to help build support for hazard mitigation.

Chair and Vice Chair

The Chair will be the Sonoma County LHMP Project Director from Permit Sonoma. The role of a chair is to:

  1. lead meetings so that agendas are followed, and meetings adjourn on‐time,
  2. allow all members to be heard during discussions,
  3. moderate discussions between members with differing points of view,
  4. be a sounding board for staff in the preparation of agendas and how to best involve the full Committee in work plan tasks,
  5. to act as spokesperson during public involvement processes and public interchanges

The Steering Committee will select a vice chairperson to serve as chair in the absence of the chairperson.

The Committee also chose to adopt a rule that requires either the chair or the vice chair to be present at any given meeting. 


Participation of all Committee members in meetings is important and members should make every effort to attend each meeting. If Committee members cannot attend, they should inform the SoCo HMP Project Manager before the meeting. If a member misses two meetings without an explanation, the Committee may choose to write an email to the member to confirm interest and may ultimately seek to replace the member.


A minimum attendance at each meeting often is needed to ensure that the different viewpoints of Committee members are adequately represented.